Chapter 28

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"The stage is all set Luffy, you wanna try out the mic?" Usopp called from the raised platform for the live. Luffy looked up at him from his lyric sheets and nodded climbing on the stage and tapping the device with his finger. "Sing something."

Luffy took a deep breath and closed his eyes, all serious but what escaped his mouth was completely opposite. "Sakura~! Tan-tan-tan! Sakura~! Tan-tan-tan! Ka-yo-i-no-sora-wo~ Tan-tan-tan~!!"

"I go through all that and you are still singing like this?" Luffy opened his eyes at the comment and jumped off the stage with a wide grin, not paying attention to Usopp who had shielded his ears from the feedback from the mic because Luffy was an absolute animal.

"Uta!" Luffy hugged his sister and she hugged him back. "We were only trying the mic, I am soooooo much better now! You'll see!"

"I sure hope so or your Torao won't be impressed." Uta grinned back and winked. Luffy's cheeks turned pink. Luffy had told Nami first but Uta had guessed something was up when Luffy went to her for his particular cover song, so Luffy confided in his sister as payment for teaching him. "Speaking of, is he coming?" Uta whispered so nobody else could listen, this was still a secret.

"Haven't asked him again but last he said he won't be able to make it." Luffy's shoulders sagged and Uta patted his back.

"Send him a live stream and then a recording too."

"Planning on it."

"Uta-chan~!!" Sanji cooed sprinting to the red and white haired girl and bowed, presenting a tray with multiple beverages on it.

"Thank you." Uta took a glass and Luffy sneaked one.

"Are you staying till the live?" Luffy asked when Sanji left to find Nami and Robin.

"Yes! I just have to see you sing your love-struck heart out! Oh but I won't be in plain sight and undercover."



Law neatly folded a few shirts and coats and put them in his bag for the trip. He had an underworld surgery due in a few days in South Blue so he was preparing for that. He was looking through his shoes, wondering if he needed more than the ones he would be wearing when leaving but his thoughts were disrupted from the loud vibration that could only have been his phone.

|Are you coming?

|To the live???

|Can you make it?

Law looked at the back to back texts from Luffy and smiled. He of course remembered that Luffy would be singing for the first time for an audience and that Luffy wanted Law to be there but the older did not have it in him just yet to confront Luffy like that.

|Can't, sorry. Job in South Blue.

Law sent the text then added a few extra clothes in his bag because of course he was going to Goa. He would not miss Luffy's live but he didn't have to tell Luffy that. He would be a silent observer and leave before getting noticed. He didn't want to risk meeting anybody else and Luffy would be surrounded with people.

|It's ok, I'll send you a link for the stream and a recording later. Stay safe Torao!

Law tossed his phone aside and resumed his preparations. He knew he won't be able to sleep so once he was done setting his bag, he started on the medical reports of his client and devised the best possible plan of surgery.

The next day Law quickly checked on his patients in the warehouse, made notes of their progress, made memos of the precautions and medicines in case of an emergency and after explaining it all to the individual in-charge in his absence, Law went back to the Hearts building. With his tickets in his hand and bag on his shoulder, Law passed the lobby in hopes of making it out of the door without any interruptions but fate hated him so much.

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