Chapter 51

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"Make a plan already!" Luffy was restless. It had been an hour since Law was taken and Law's friends were not letting him out of their sight lest he do something stupid, like sneak out to go save Torao himself, which was what he was about to do.

"Mugiwara!" Bepo grabbed Luffy's arms firmly, not letting the boy move from in front of him. "You can't barge into government facilities without a plan!"

"You guys are taking so long! I'd have already punched them all by now!"

"And gotten yourself killed in the process too." Shachi shook his head. "They had guns, what were you thinking running after them like that?"

This time Luffy really did feel scolded.

"Law's already in a bad state of mind, don't add to it by getting shot too."

"That, and he's going to be so pissed when he realizes we've come to save him especially after he told us not to follow." Penguin added.

"Well, strictly speaking, he only told that to Luffy." Shachi shrugged with a grin.

"And I don't have to listen."


Smoker paced in front of the glass paneled holding cell Law was placed in, pending termination. It was all really ridiculous to Smoker, he didn't know who pushed the order for the arrest and under what circumstances but he knew that Amber Lead poisoning was not contagious through human contact, that was something Fleet Admiral Sengoku had beat in their heads a long time ago when they were asking questions about the extermination of an entire country.

Smoker was looking inside the cell every ten minutes, the glass at least provided a clear enough view of what was going on inside the room. The white haired man was a little worried about Law's mental state with the way he was curled up in a ball in one corner of the cell, facing the wall, hiding from everyone who passed through. It felt like Law was actually waiting to be terminated.

"Is he ok!" Hina asked from a distance, running to where Smoker was, her heels clicking on the ground, the sound echoing through the empty holding corridor.

"He hasn't even looked this way once, I don't think he's ok." Smoker said lighting another two cigars.

"Law! We are going to get you out of here! Don't worry!" Hina pounded at the glass and frowned when the young man in front of her didn't acknowledge her even in the slightest. "This is bad, who the hell even made this happen!"

"Sengoku-san is finding that out right now."

"I swear if it's that fleet admiral wannabe..."

"Sakazuki?" Smoker considered Akainu could be behind this thing, he wasn't very satisfied with the re-opening of Flevance when it happened and to think there were survivors, the man must have done something to end it all. Smoker's phone rang that instant. "It's Bellemere."

"She's going to bring her guns out when she hears this."

"I'm thinking she already knows." The man said and answered the call.

"Are you with him? Is Law ok?" Bellemere asked the moment Smoker answered his phone.

"He's alive, I don't think he's ok."

"Don't leave my boy alone!" The woman warned.

"He's as much our boy as he is yours." Hina said from the side but it went through the phone easily enough.

"You're both there? Tell me the where they're holding him, I'm coming too." Bellemere said with a warning in her tone that didn't leave room for refusals.

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