Chapter 30

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"Luffy- Luffy-" Luffy opened his eyes to white and a feeling of hooves on his shoulders. It was Chopper, Luffy registered. He was shaken again. "Luffy what are you doing here? Are you ok?" The little reindeer doctor asked, worried. It wasn't every day that the strawhat boy came to the infirmary on his own.

"Mmm... Toraooo..." Luffy mumbled rubbing his eyes to get the sleep off.

"Torao?" Chopper tilted his head in question but moved out of the way when Luffy got up in an instant the next moment and whined when his brain really caught up that the infirmary bed he had been sleeping leaned on was empty. "Are you ok? Does it hurt anywhere?" Chopper asked again then his eyes popped out when the older straightened and the doctor saw all the dried blood on his friend's shirt. "IS THAT YOUR BLOOD?!"

"I'm ok Chopper, it isn't mine." Luffy dismissed his friend's worry and looked around the area. It was clean and spotless but someone as keen as Chopper could probably pick on the little things that had been moved. Moving around, Luffy's eyes fell on the wad of cash on the bed and his brows furrowed and he got angrier the more he looked at it.

"Was someone here? Some things feel like they have been moved." Chopper observed."

"Yeah, he's gone though."

"Is he ok? Does he need help?" The doctor panicked.

"He's ok now I guess." Luffy frowned and headed for the kitchen with the reindeer on his head. He was bummed that Torao left before he woke up because Luffy was looking forward to waking up with Law still around.

"Who's this friend Luffy?"

"Sorry, he doesn't want anyone to know..." Luffy answered respecting Law's wishes.

"Oh ok. I hope he gets well."

"Thanks Chopper!"

Luffy got concerned, worried, weird and angry stares when they both reached the kitchen in the Sunny. The angry stare was from Sanji for appearing with blood stained clothes in his kitchen so Luffy first explained the situation then went to take a bath in the men's bathroom. After breakfast, Chopper took Nami to the infirmary and handed her the list of items that were used he found under the cash.

"The money exceeds the price of all things combined." Chopper informed Nami who counted the cash.

"This mystery friend must either be very rich or very generous." Nami said stuffing the cash in her purse with stars in her eyes. She would adjust it all to the budget stock later. "Did Luffy say who this friend was?"

"No, he wanted to keep it a secret, said his friend didn't want anyone to know." By this answer Nami has an inkling who that friend was.


It was in the afternoon when Luffy walked through the gates of the hotel Torao was staying at and passed through the lobby. He was about to make his way to the stairs but the reception lady stopped him, running over to him quickly in her high heels, Luffy always wondered how women could do that, he once tried Nami's heels and fell on his butt really bad.

"He looked extremely hungover so better be careful!" The woman advised and Luffy tilted his head in confusion.

Why was Torao drinking after getting shot?

Then it clicked that Torao must have been very out of it and looked like he was hungover. "Thanks!" Luffy waved and went on his way with the sunflower in his hand. Luffy had heard from and seen many people give flowers to the sick people they were visiting so he wanted to do this for Torao too, it felt nice. Penguin had told Luffy that Law liked Queen of the Night but that bouquet seemed too gloomy to the boy so he opted for something brighter, a sunflower.

Young In Love - LawLu AUWhere stories live. Discover now