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Lyss was awoken by Perla. They stirred before they opened their eyes tiredly and looked over in Perla's direction. She was tossing and turning, seeming to be having an... Interesting dream. Unsure what to do in the situation, they leaned over her and watched in amusement. Only b, before they bent down and captured her lips with theirs, Perla immediately reciprocated, still not quite waking up. She pulled them into her even more, taking them by slight surprise. They allowed her to groggily respond until she was conscious.

They stopped the kiss and smiled down at her, "Good morning sleepy head." They said as they leaned into her, she gasped as she felt their obvious arousal. They smirked bulushing as they brushed one of their hands softly down her body, she must have been extra sensitive because she immediately moaned in response. Their morning was full of passion and lust as they caved to their desire for Perla.


"No, not like that, remember what I showed you?" Lyss sighed in slight agitation at Perla for not grasping the movement. T, they showed her again, spinning slightly before they struck their leg out forcefully. "Try it again, remember to center your balance on the ball of your foot." They said as they watched her practice it again, this time much more fluidly. "Good, again."

Their afternoon dragged on like this, going over different sparring moves, practicing endurance, strength, and agility. After the sun went down, they took her into the house to practice her magic. Perla danced around the attic space as she added stuff into her cauldron, Different herbs made the water sizzle and spurt. Perla sighed as she flicked her hand and a spoon that was stirring the contents flitted to her side, she tried the mixture before making a face.

"How do you manage to always make it taste so sweet, this is so gross." She complained as she turned to Lyss who was leaning against a bookcase.

"It takes practice." They shrugged, not sure what else to say to her. Perla just huffed in annoyance, shaking her head in irritation., Lyss smirked at this and couldn't help but think 'cute'. They found much amusement in Perla's recent developing skills, whenever she was frustrated she would huff and chew on her lip.

"Why don't you try adding some of this?" They smiled as they sprinkled a powder across the cauldron, Perla took a sip of it and her eyes widened.

"That's much better!" She exclaimed as she watched Lyss in awe.

"You were almost there, you're improving at a very fast rate." They stated with pride. Perla beamed at this. and Lyss was once again caught in awe with her beauty,. "Let's try it again." They said as they waved their hand and the cauldron emptied in a second.

Perla stared at it with a defeated look in her eye but she walked over to the area with her herbs and started from the beginning adding ingredients, twirling around as she did so. Lyss watched in fascination as she flitted about, admiring the way her body moved while adding ingredients, twirling around as she did. Their thoughts were starting to fill with images of her laying under them squirming in pleasure. They quickly snapped out of their daydream when they heard a sigh.

"Don't forget what I showed you." They smiled at her as she added a dust of powder to the potion, she took a sip and her eyes lit up in excitement.

"It tastes much better now!" she exclaimed in excitement at her success. Lyss nodded in encouragement and proceeded to show her different things she could add for different tastes, a dash of this and the taste was neutral, a little of that and it was sweet. They smiled as Perla absorbed the information making sure to write down notes and take it in.


Lyss sighed in exhaustion as their day was coming to an end, it was pretty much like every other day but Perla was making great progress in her powers and they felt like she would be ready to transport them soon,. "Perla, I think you're ready." They stated as they ate their food with her at the table. Perla immediately dropped her silverware, in stunned silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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