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When Lyss entered the river they immediately started to swim, the cold water and heavy current didn't make it easy but they managed to surface after a little while. They couldn't hear much over the roar of the river but when they looked up they noticed they were further away from where they jumped. They tried to spot Perla but couldn't see her. "Perla!" They tried calling out to her. 'Damn' Was all they could think before they dove beneath the water. It wasn't much but their mothers side were water fairies. They could see under the water a little better than most creatures and they could hold their breath for longer. As they were under the water they looked around for Perla in hopes she would be near but it seemed the river had other plans.

'Where are you princess?' They had hoped she had gotten some air because these currents were strong and unforgiving. They swam with their arms out in front of them in hopes that they could grab onto her. But they still couldn't find her. They surfaced again in hopes of finding her, the water was dark and murky and even with their improved sight underwater it was hard to see. They looked around them as the water carried them. With no elf in sight their heart started to hammer against its cage and a sense of dread filled them. They tried to find her again underwater; they could hear a fall coming closer as the river carried them along its path. They really hoped they could find her soon or they would both go over.

Lyss swam closer to the bottom and looked around and a glimpse of silver caught their eye. They quickly swam over to see Perla floating in the water, the current was spinning her around gracefully. But she wasn't moving, fear pierced Lyss' heart as they quickly grabbed onto her. They tried to cradle her into their arms and swim for the shore when all of a sudden they were falling. They held onto Perla tightly and braced for impact. The impact of the water almost made them loose their breath but they managed to hold it. It hurt alot and they hoped Perla would be okay. They floated in the water for a little while before they started to swim to the surface. The current was a little more relaxed here, they were able to safely get to the shore and they had Perla in their arms.

They looked down at her seeing that she wasn't breathing, the worry gripped their heart and churned their stomach. They laid her down in the soft grass and began to do cpr. They hoped this would do something they hesitated before they grabbed her nose and put their lips onto hers. They breathed into her mouth before they continued to press onto her chest after a couple of times of this with multiple 'wake up's' Perla coughed lyss turned her onto her side and she puked up water. She groaned before she started to breathe more steadily,

"Perla." Lyss sighed before they scooped her into their arms. They almost cried in relief as she groaned but tried to hug them. "I thought you died."

"I'm still here. Thanks to you." She laughed.

Lyss grinned at hearing her laugh. "I couldn't let you go so easily."

"Thank you for not giving up."

Lyss just held onto her, they were scared she wasn't real that she died. "You're here right? You're not a figment of my imagination?" Perla laughed and held Lyss

"Do I feel like I'm part of your imagination?"

Lyss shook their head. "No, You feel alive." They squeezed her tighter before they let her go. "Come on, we need to find somewhere to sleep. 

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