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Lyss woke up to Perla stirring in their arms. They looked down at her and admired her beauty before she started to stir. They admired the way the sun hit her face, and illuminated her silver hair. They watched in awe as the sunlight made the markings on her face glow. They watched as she turned a little and the blanket slipped. It exposed some more of Perlas sun kissed skin. They gulped a little as a strong desire woke them further, their pants felt a little tighter. They tried to hold back but couldn't help but softly kiss up Perla's spine. They sighed as they thought about what they were going to do next. Perla squirmed a little under them before she turned around and faced them.

Lyss smiled down at her before they leaned in and kissed her, Perla moaned into the kiss. The sound sent shivers down Lyss' spine. They couldn't believe they finally had her. They've been wanting her for a while more than just an acquaintance, when they were in the forest they vowed to themself that they would care for her and treasure her. They made the kiss a little heavier as she woke up and began to respond back to them, their hands falling on either side of her head, body leaning over hers. They used one hand and softly ran it up and down her body, Perla gasped into the kiss, her arms wrapped around their neck and pulled them closer. Lyss wanted to do more, so much more, but they had things to do and not a lot of time to do it.

Lyss stopped the kiss and kissed her forehead. "Come on, we have to get to work." Perla pouted but nodded at them and stretched. Gods she looked so beautiful. They watched her climb out of the bed and saunter teasingly to the wardrobe. They grinned as they shook their head at her antics, continuing to watch her get dressed, their eyes were stuck on her. When she was done they sighed and also got out of bed, they walked over to the wardrobe but stopped on their way and turned towards her. "You're going to pay for that later." They joked.

Perla cocked her head to the side and smiled playfully. "For what? I didn't do anything." Lyss nodded their head in acknowledgement.

"Mhm. Sure, you didn't do anything." They repeated. Perla laughed before she slipped past them. Or tried to, Lyss quickly grabbed her wrist and pulled her into them in one fluid motion, "Oh no, you're not getting away that easily." They leaned down and kissed the top of her head before they slid down to her neck.

Placing a kiss on her neck, they let her go and she turned to face them. "Don't start anything you won't finish." She whispered and Lyss' knees almost gave out. They burned with a sudden desire. They decided to heck with their morning plans. Something else was more pressing. They quickly pinned Perla to the wardrobe, she gasped and the doors rattled as the sudden weight was added, They quickly ate the gasp and kissed her heavily. Perla responded in her own needy kisses. Lyss almost moaned from the sensations they were feeling. They pulled her into them and walked back toward the bed softly guiding her, Perla was more than willing, and let them guide her, her kisses never faltered. Finally, Lyss got to the bed, Perla fell onto it gracefully, pulling Lyss down with her. Lyss began an assault on her neck and quickly supported themself over her. They let one of their hands slide up her side softly. Perla arched into their touch, her skin was soft and silky under their fingers.

Lyss trailed kisses up and down her neck as they ran their hand further up her side, and brushed her nipple. Perla gasped into the kiss and moaned as Lyss pinched her lightly. Her mounds fit perfectly in their hand and they wanted to savor the feeling of having her come undone beneath her. They didn't feel that she was ready for much else but they were more than happy to please her. They leaned down further into her, and moved her sweater over her head before they went back to attacking her body with kisses. Perla squirmed under them, her hips moving along with their hand that was tracing her legs, they quickly took off her pants and dove their fingers into her. Perla moaned loudly and clutched their hair, it tangled in her hands as she pulled.

Lyss groaned into her and went lower until their mouth was at her center. They quickly dove in to her with their tongue and stared at her as they ate her out, being too low to grab onto Perla gripped the blankets tightly. Her fists balled in the sheets, her head thrashed side to side. Lyss could feel their pants grow tighter and they groaned again from the uncomfortableness. But they didn't want to rush her, they took their time to get her used to being naked in front of them and then they also wanted her to feel pleasure that she likely hadn't felt before with how proper she was for a high elf.

Lyss' fingers gripped her thighs as they continued to eat her. Perla reached up and pulled on their hair, managing to get a handful of it. It pulled Lyss closer to her and she rocked her hips into their face. Lyss smiled as they could feel her climax coming but they wanted to tease her a little. They stopped suddenly and replaced their tongue with their fingers again, they pumped in and out of her slowly dragging out a few quiet moans from Perla. They smirked down at her as their gaze fell on her closed eyes enjoying the view of her head tilted back and her mouth parted open making a symphony of wonderful noises.

Perla started to squirm under them as they continued to speed up their pace, they could feel how tight she was around their fingers and it just made them want her more, but they would wait. Their restrain weakened a little as a mewl slipped out of her mouth. They quickly covered her mouth with theirs and kissed her as she rode their fingers to a climax.

Perla scratched at their back as she came and then fell limp. They smirked as they looked down at her breathing heavily. "Need a break?" They asked slyly, Perla looked at them through the corner of her eye and laughed.
"You sure know how to make a girl weak in the knees." She joked. Lyss shook their head and laid down on top of her trying to calm down before they got ready. Perla held them gently in her arms and closed her eyes trying to catch her breath. Lyss watched her, their own breathing calming down. "Okay, We really have to get ready now." They said with a chuckle as they picked up perla and placed her near the wardrobe once again. They watched her get re dressed and then dressed themselves in a dress shirt and slacks. Once they were both ready, Lyss guided Perla downstairs.

"What do we have to do today?" Perla asked as she gathered ingredients to make breakfast.

"We have to go into town and get some supplies to prepare for the spell, And we need to find you a cauldron so you can practice your potion making. The witch we're going to see, specializes in all kinds of magic and if you're going to learn from her, you need to learn all kinds of magic as well."

Perla nodded as she cracked some eggs over a pan. She looked like she was a little confused as to what she was doing but Lyss continued to watch her knowing she hadn't cooked very much when she lived with her parents. "You got this or do you want some help?"

Perla shook her head as a sign that she wanted to do it on her own and Lyss backed away to watch her by taking a seat at the table. They watched as she danced around the kitchen, adding spices and things to the pan.

Lyss smiled slightly in amusement. She was a breath of fresh air to them, They felt like they had been suffocating for a while and she was their air. They'd be damned if anyone tried to take her away from them. Their gaze turned almost predatory as they continued to watch her. She didn't notice continuing to dance in the kitchen as she cooked.

After a little while the food was done and Perla sat in the seat across from them. They ate in silence. Lyss marveled at the eggs and bacon. It was cooked far better than they expected. They watched her out of the corner of their eye as they ate, taking in how elegantly she held her utensils. They were almost in awe as they watched her eat elegantly, they forgot sometimes that she was nobility and raised to eat like this. They causally ate the food she had made for them. It was surprisingly tasty. They finished in a few minutes and collected the dishes.

"Are you ready to go out?" They asked as they looked over their shoulder, Perla nodded at them and stood up gracefully.

"Yes, what are we going out for?" She asked curiously. Lyss grinned.

"Well, we need supplies to get you started on practicing your magic right?" They asked teasingly before they walked over to her and took her hand gently. "Well, nows better than never." They led her outside to the car and helped her get in before they started the trek to the town. 

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