Chp. 3Perla

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Perla stared at Lyss in concern after they trailed off. She wasn't sure what to do. Did she touch a bad subject? Will Lyss be okay? Maybe she shouldn't have brought it up. But she needed to know. There was a piece of living history right before her eye's and they had just been surviving in a world that was trying to kill them. Perla was flooded suddenly with sympathy. 'I think I judged them too soon'. She admired them for a minute not just because they were good looking but because they were literally part of history itself. They had the same features as when they first met but just slightly more feminine. Their jaw was narrower, their hips wider, their face was a little more round, it looked more like an oval than when they first met, but they had the same sloped nose that came to a point, the same deep set eyes, Sharp jaw and high cheekbones. Their hair was tied loosely in a bun and brown strands fell out in the front. Their ears were adorned in jewelry, the familiar jingle would happen every so often as they moved their head. "Lyss?" She asked hesitantly, She reached out her hand and lightly brushed theirs which snapped them out of the trance they were in.

    "What? Sorry, Um. Yeah. So, Yeah." They stuttered out. Perla would have laughed if she wasn't so worried.

    "I'm sorry if I crossed any lines. I didn't seem to connect that it was your history. If it can help, I'll answer any questions you have for me!" She hurriedly huffed out. Lyss looked at her and shook their head.

    "It's fine, If it's alright I think I'm ready to retire for the night." They gestured to the lounge chair she was currently sitting in. Perla shot up instantly and nodded in understanding. She hurriedly walked to the wardrobe she had in her room and pulled out some extra blankets and a couple pillows.

    "Here, I hope this can help make you feel more comfortable." She handed them over to Lyss softly and then retreated to her own bed. Lyss made themselves comfortable. Perla could hear the rustle of the blankets as they settled down. She whispered a spell under her breath and her lights dimmed down then went out completely. "Good night." She whispered to Lyss who didn't reply. She sighed as she calculated the many ways she might escape this fancy prison.

    Perla tossed and turned that night, her dreams were plagued with stuffy older men who just wanted her body and her overbearing narcissistic father. She wasn't sure when but at some point it felt like her body was being encased in a comforting warmth and then all of a sudden she was having dreams about a certain someone. "Perla, come with me." They beckoned to her, she was tempted to take their hand but then she felt something pull her skirt. She looked down to find her mother screaming at her while clawing her way up her skirt. "Hurry!" Lyss shouted at her, their hand outstretched as far as they could looking desperate. Perla reached hers out as far as she could and their fingers brushed against her but then she felt like she was suddenly falling. Everything in the past rushed by her as if on a movie screen.

    "Stop!" she cried her blue eyes watered as she watched the moments flash past her, they only lasted a second but it felt like they were going by so much slower. She shut her eyes tightly trying to block out the sights. "Please stop!" she cried as her hands went to cover her ears. Screams from her past tormented her as she kept falling. When she would stop she had no idea just that it felt like it would never end.

    "-La! -Erla! Perla!" Her blue eye's shot open, she looked around frantically for what was  calling out to her. Lyss stood over to the side of her their hand resting on her shoulder tightly. Their green eyes settled on her as she breathed heavily.

    "Erm. Sorry.. Did I wake you?" She managed out not quite sure what to say to her 'Guest' Lyss' eyebrows wrinkled in worry as they never dropped their gaze. It felt heavy. Heavier than anything she ever dealt with before. Lyss shook their head at her

    "I couldn't sleep and you were screaming." They sighed as they stood up, their hands dropping to their side. Perla's shoulder suddenly felt cold.

    "Would it be too forward for me to ask you to sleep next to me?" She looked down at her blankets nervously. Lyss didn't say anything and Perla grimaced, the silver markings on her face crinkled a little as she scrunched it in embarrassment. She felt the other side of the bed dip down and was suddenly pulled into Lyss' embrace. "I know we just met formally. But I realize I've slept better with you in the bed than ever before. You're the closest thing I have to a friend right now. I don't know why but I feel like I can trust you." Perla rambled on. She suddenly felt a hand over her mouth. It was a little smaller than when Lyss tried to kidnap her.

    "Enough talking. Go to sleep princess." Lyss muttered to her. Perla huffed at the nickname. She wasn't a princess by any means. She rolled her eyes to which Lyss smirked at. Perla felt more at ease with Lyss next to her, she started to doze and felt the bed move as Lyss got up to leave. Her arm shot out of the covers and grabbed Lyss' arm.

    "Please don't go." She whispered. She heard a soft sigh before the bed dipped a little bit and she was scooped into a pair of arms. She wasn't sure why she was so comfortable with this stranger but there was something about them that instantly calmed her down. Sleep slowly took over her, dragging her into her dreams. They were good dreams for once.

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