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Lyss knew where they were without having to open their eyes; they could hear the beeping of horns and the commotion caused by people on the streets. When they opened Their eyes they looked and noticed they were in an alleyway. Perla was staring at one of the buildings that sandwiched them with confusion and awe.

"I know where we are, Lets get some new clothes." They grabbed Perla's hand and started to walk out of the alley, they looked around and recognized they were in New York. Perla stopped breathing as she looked up at the tall buildings. Lyss could tell she was nervous as she watched all the people walking by, they both towered over most of them. Lyss took Perla's hand and pulled her along. They weaved in between people with ease, Perla was pulled along but every now and then she bumped into someone. Lyss was looking around for a clothing shop not caring about the stares. They eventually found one.

"Come on." They tugged Perla with them in one fluid motion as they both entered the store. It was a small boutique, the shop was bright and airy, the clothes lined the walls, there was a small circular wooden rack that beanies were shown off on. The workers greeted them as they came in, Lyss looked around and found some clothes that they wanted to try on almost immediately, they took it as an opportunity to show Perla how to shop for clothes. They showed her how to find something she would like to wear. Then where to try the clothes on, after a few hours passed Perla emerged with a sage green dress, a brown beanie, and brown lace up boots. Lyss had already bought the clothes and was waiting on her. They felt their heart pick up a little as they watched her emerge from the changing room,

They stood a little taller and offered her their arm. "Let's get out of here." Perla hooked her arm through theirs. They walked out of the store in their new apparel, Lyss knew they needed to get to the airport. But was unsure how Perla would take flying. They looked over at her and almost laughed when they saw the amazement in her eyes. They decided getting home could wait. They wanted to show her New York and what the humans accomplished. Lyss waved down a Taxi, Perla gasped slightly at the sight of it.

"What is that?!" She pointed at it and exclaimed a little loudly. Lyss chuckled and bent down a little.

"It's called a taxi. We use it to get to places. It's like an electric carriage." Perla's eye's showed wonder and awe as she admired the taxi. They climbed inside and Lyss gave the driver directions. Perla watched the city pass by in awe. Lyss just watched Perla, having seen it before.

They admired her as they drove through the city. After a couple hours they stopped, Perla stepped out of the cab and Lyss paid the driver with a thankyou. When they got out they saw Perla standing with her jaw dropped. She stared at the statue of Liberty. It was in the distance of the city but you could see it clearly. Lyss had taken her to a bridge, it was one they could walk on and it overlooked the city. They climbed it to the top of the arch way, before they looked out at the city.

"Wow." Perla gasped as she stared at the skyline of buildings. "I've never seen anything like it." Perla said in amazement.

"This isn't even half of what they can do." Lyss smiled down at her. They softly took her hand in theirs and pulled her along. They walked for hours, Watching the people bustle and bumble about in ambient chaos. They gazed at the buildings around them and toured around broadway. Perla was enjoying herself immensely. Lyss was enjoying the view of Perla, The way the wind played with her hair mesmerized them. They wanted to reach out and brush it with their fingers. But they were restrained from doing so. She looked amazing to them in her green dress and boots. It was refreshing to see her in normal clothes. She looked more herself and less like the young elf she was born into.

"Where would you like to go?" They asked her with a lazy smile. They felt relaxed and at ease now that they were out of the Fae realm. Perla looked at them with wide eyes.

"I would like to go home." She smiled at Them. They laughed and nodded at her. Grabbing her hand they headed into the direction of the street again.

They stuck their arm out and waved down another taxi. Both of them climbed into the cab before Lyss told the driver to take them to the airport. Perla rested her head on their shoulder as the car rocked her to sleep. Lyss smiled and watched her for the whole ride, They admired the way her dark lashes brushed her cheeks, The way her hair fell sideways elegantly. They really wanted to touch her hair, and they did. They softly grabbed some of her locks. It was soft and silky, it threaded through their fingers with ease. They felt the car slowing down and looked out the window.

"Hey," They shook Perla softly. "Let's go." Perla stirred and then quickly shot up her face red. She didn't say anything as she exited the taxi. Lyss gave them some money and quickly followed Perla out of the car. "Follow me." They said as they took her hand in theirs. She followed dutifully, not questioning anything. Lyss led her to a line where they waited for a little while before they reached a counter. The woman behind it smiled at them.

"Welcome to Dream airline. How can I help you today?"

"Tickets please."

"How many tickets?"


"May I see some ID?" Lyss sighed before they pulled out two blank plastic cards. Perla looked at them Curiously. The Lady entered something into the computer and smiled. Lyss! We're excited to have you on our plane! Please take a complimentary service of first class!" Lyss nodded to her and took the cards back. They then retrieved the tickets and pulled Perla along with them to enter security.

"Take off your shoes." Lyss stated as they removed their shoes. Perla followed along removing her boots. Lyss took three bins out and put their shoes in one, The pouch in the other, and Perla placed her boots in the last one. They waited to walk through the metal detector, After walking through they waited for Perla to join them, She looked hesitant at first to go through it but eventually she managed to enter and exit it.

Lyss gathered their things and put their shoes back on, Perla made sure to do the same and off they went again. They passed by many food stands and small stores before they reached gate four. Flight to Greenville. Read the sign. Perla watched everything with such curiosity in her eyes. "What's happening?" Perla whispered.

"We're going on a plane to fly to my home."

"We're going to fly?" Perla's voice held excitement and curiosity. Lyss nodded at her. They told her all about what the humans have accomplished and how advanced their technology was getting. Perla absorbed the information like a sponge. Time flew by and suddenly there was a voice on the speaker.

"Gate four is now boarding. Gate four is now boarding." 

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