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Lyss was excited to be back home. They didn't mind shopping with Perla but they just wanted to rest, they felt better now that she had a phone and more clothes. As they entered the apartment they felt their phone ring, they fished it out of their pocket successfully even with their arms being full of bags. They sighed as they read the name on the screen. 'Elizabeth.' Unlocking the door and motioning for Perla to go in first they answered the phone.

"Yes?" They sighed as they set the bags down by the door, their voice was a little hard as they didn't really like this person.

"You came back and you didn't tell me?!" They flinched as they heard the yelling, Perla looked at them curiously, they motioned to her that they were okay and she went on with bringing some of the bags upstairs, they watched her for a minute before they replied.

"I didn't think you needed to know. We're not anything anymore." They stated coldly. They heard a sigh before a laugh.

"We had a fight love. That doesn't mean we're over." Lyss felt anger bubble in their stomach.

"I walked in on you fucking someone else, that's my line of broken up, the fight was to get all of your shit out." They pressed on their temple as they felt a headache forming.
"That's not it at all! How many times do I have to tell you that I was protecting you."

"Looked like alot more than that to me." Lyss huffed.

"Look, Things happened and were said. But I don't want us to be over. We were great together, you have to admit that." Elizabeth tried to sweet talk them but they remebered all the fights, and nights wondering where she was. They remebered the money missing and the drinking.
"Look. I don't want to get back together with you. I don't like you. I want you to stay as far away from me as possible or I'm going to get a restraining order." They ran a hand through their hair as they walked into the living room and started to pace. They felt a small rage forming and something like fear bubble up in them.

"Lyss, Come on, I made one mistake. Can't you forgive me? I miss you."

"Fuck off." Lyss said before they hung up the phone not wanting to talk to her any longer. They looked at the stairs and hoped Perla didn't hear the conversation as they really didn't want to think about Elizabeth more than they had to. She was a stupid mistake they made in their past and they'd like to leave it that way. Their phone buzzed and they saw she left a text. 'Don't ignore me. I know about your little toy.'

Lyss' blood ran cold. They wondered how she knew they were back and even how she found out about Perla. They felt paranioa creep up the back of their neck. They decided to shake it off and pocketed their phone. They went to grab the rest of the bags before heading up the stairs to where Perla was. When they reached the top they saw that Perla had already started to take some of the clothes out. They smiled as they watched her rifle through the clothes and smile at them softly.

"Do you want to try them on?" They asked as they leaned against the wall, Perla jumped a little before she turned around and looked at them.

"Yes!" She said excitedly with a small nod, Lyss motioned to the bathroom and Perla smiled at them before she picked a armful of clothes and ran to the bathroom. Lyss walked over to the bed and set the bags down before they sat down on the bed. They decided to catch up with their friends and pulled out their phone, They were surfing through instagram when they heard the door open. They looked up and almost started laughing.

Perla pants on under a dress with a shirt over it. She looked at them sheepishly as she saw the look on their face. Lyss shook their head. "I'll help." They motioned her to sit down before they began to pull out diffrent clothes out of the bags. They paired outfits togeather and laid them out on the bed before they stepped away. Perla smiled at them greatfully and for a couple of hours they did a routine of her trying on various outfits and Lyss watching her.

After they were done they helped her put the clothes away and let out a big breath. "Are you hungry?"

Perla looked over at them and seemed to perk up at the mention of food. "What were you thinking?" Lyss smiled at her mischeviously before they pulled up dominos on their phone, They quickly ordered a peperoni pizza.

"Pizza." Was all they said before they lead her into the living room. She gave them a confused glace but followed. They decided to educate her on movies and popped in The Little Mermaid. She watched the movie with eager eye's half way through the pizza arrived and Lyss gave the delivery driver a big tip. They shut the door and locked it before they headed back into the living room.

"What do you want to drink?" They asked her she looked at them for a minute.

""Surprise me." She smiled before she turned back to the movie. Lyss smiled and left to the kitchen, they grabbed sodas and a veriety of flavors before they headed back to Perla. They set them out on the table and opened the box of pizza, the smell wafted through the air and Lyss' stomach growled. Perla looked at it before she grabbed a slice. She bit it heasitantly first but quickly ate the rest of it. She looked like she enjoyed it as she ate it.

Lyss grabbed their own slice and ate it, they offered her a soda and she looked at it confused before she grabbed it from their hand. "You open it like this." Lyss grabbed a soda of their own and demonstrated how to open it. Perla tried but struggled with the tab at first, Lyss almost tried to help her when she got it and it opened. Perla cheered in victory and Lyss smiled at her. They continued to watch the movie, eat pizza, and watch Perla. When the movie finished they popped in another one, Aladin.

Perla watched it eagarly and happily seeming to be satisfied with the movie and food. Lyss was glad she was seeming to adjust well to the world. It was a bit of a shock they could imagine for her and they wanted her to be as comfortable as they could help make her.

Time flew by and the two settled into comfortable silence as they watched the movies. By the time Lyss noticed that Perla fell asleep it was eleven p.m. They chuckled softly and turned off the t.v. They stood up and scooped her into their arms and couldn't help but smile as she cuddled into their chest. Lyss gently brought her upstairs and laid her down softly in the bed. They tucked her in softly before they left the room and went to their own bed. Their dreams that night were full of her and the visons of what she could do in the human world. 

Loving the ShadowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora