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Lyss almost laughed at Perla's excitement over grapes. They made a mental note to get some more when they were able to. They chatted with her for a while feeling a little uncomfortable about her being in the place they practically grew up in. The uncomfortableness melted away, and Lyss began to enjoy themselves. They were listening to a story about Perla learning how to play lightstick when they flew over the fire and clamped a hand over her mouth. She looked at them confused but didn't make anymore sound when she saw how serious Lyss was being.

Lyss watched the entrance of the cave and watched as a couple guards passed by.

"There's a cave here!"

"Does it look like anyone is in it?"

"No. It looks empty."

"Then let's go!"

After a little while they disappeared and Lyss let go of Perla's mouth. They looked down at her and their breath hitched at how close she was.

"It should be safe now." They whispered just in case.

Perla nodded as Lyss got off of her. Her face was red and Lyss' felt warm. It was funny to make her this red Lyss decided to try doing it more often. They got back into a groove of sharing stories and laughing. As the night continued Lyss noticed Perla looking more tired.

"Come on, let's get some rest, we have a big couple of days ahead of us." Lyss motioned to the furs on the ground. Perla nodded and went to lay down. She turned her head to Lyss, red dusted her cheeks.

"Will... will you join?" Lyss' face heated up as they looked at her unsure. They hadn't slept in her bed before. It was new territory. They hesitantly walked over to her.

"It's okay. I feel safer with you next to me." Perla smiled at them. They smiled back at her a sense of pride filled them as her words ran through their head. 'She feels safe with me.' A sense of pride bloomed in their chest and their hesitation went out the window. They laid down next to her and held her in their arms. Perla kept the fire lit for warmth and cuddled into Lyss' chest. Lyss' heart sped up a little at the sight of Perla in their arms. They wanted this. They wanted more. After a little while Lyss fell asleep while holding Perla closely.

They woke up groggily in the middle of the night to Perla gone from their arms.

"Princess?" They looked around to see Perla standing by the entrance. The fire was low like it was sleeping, a chilly breeze made it's way around the cavern. Lyss shivered as they approached Perla.
"Look at the moon Lyss." Perla pointed out. They looked to where she was pointing and saw a blood red moon. "It's calling. Something is happening." Was all she said Lyss gazed at her confused they weren't sure what she was on about. They walked behind her and hugged her from the back, she leaned into them and closed her eyes. She turned around so their faces were close. Green collided with blue. And then all at once they collided, Lyss lips met Perla's. Perla clinged onto them as if her life depended on it. Lyss realized this was real.

The breath on their face, the warmth of her lips. The heat they felt in their belly. Their arms encircled her and they held her close. Their fingers brushed against her skin, it felt like sparks ignited at every spot. They wanted more. Their kiss deepened and they pushed her against the wall. Perla was panting. Her breath was airy as her head rolled back. Lyss felt encouraged by this and let their hands wonder. They started at her arms brushing her skin, feeling how smooth it was. They licked her neck and it made her gasp. They smirked as they bit down on her neck. Perla moaned.

Lyss woke up sweating. Their breath was shaky as they looked around, noticing Perla was gone. Fear started to encase them until they noticed her by the fire. She was roasting something over the fire.

"Uh. Good morning." They yawned as they sat up. Stretching, they looked over at her and noticed she was blushing.

"Good morning Lyss I hope you slept well." She rushed out her words hurriedly, She seemed nervous for some reason.

They walked over to her trying to shake off their suspicions.

"I slept okay." They watched her curiously as she continued to cook. Her hair was pulled to one side of her neck and cascaded down the front of her body, silver wisps blew up every now and then. Her blue eyes almost glowed from the fire's light. Lyss' chest grew warm watching her. Her silver markings almost looked like they were moving in the flickering light. If they didn't know better, they would think they were moving.

"How did you sleep?" They asked while pulling out some food from their bag.

"I slept well, thank you." Perla looked over at them and looked away just as quickly. Her face looked red, they enjoyed the color but wondered why she was so flustered. They smirked as they thought of ways to tease her. As they pulled out food they scooted closer to her, she shifted uncomfortably in her seat. Lyss was curious as to why she was acting so nervous around them. What happened while they were asleep?

"Is everything okay?" They questioned her, wondering why she was so jumpy.

"You don't remember what happened last night?" Perla questioned somewhat angrily. Lyss' blood went cold. What did they do?

"Refresh my memory?"

Perla sighed and side eyed Lyss for a second almost if she was analyzing them. "You. You were very touchy last night..." Her face went red and she trailed off not wanting to finish her sentence. Lyss went still, they never thought they moved very much in their sleep.

"What did I do?" They asked quietly, their voice didn't want to go much higher from embarrassment. They could feel their face getting warmer as they thought of the dream.

Perla just shook her head at them and continued to eat. Lyss raised an eyebrow but continued to make their food. They tried some food from the fae realm but they weren't a huge fan they much prefered human food. They thought about it and wondered if Perla would like it too, remembering how much she liked grapes. They quickly made something to eat, and looked out of the cave. "We should go soon." Perla nodded at them to which they frowned they wondered if she would stop talking to them, "You know, I can sleep somewhere else. If it's bothering you." Perla shook her head rapidly.

"No." She looked over almost like they were being accused of something. "You'll do no such thing." Lyss just nodded at her and didn't say anything else. They spent the rest of their time eating and then Lyss packed the furs knowing they'd be useful. 

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