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Perla woke with a start, her breath was quick and she looked around the room for danger before she settled down. She had been feeling on edge since they left, for some reason it always felt like someone was watching her. She looked around the room and sighed when everything looked to be normal. Her stomach dropped a little when she realized that she could hear two voices coming from downstairs. One of them was Lyss who sounded a little irritated, and an unknown voice who was shouting loudly. Perla decided to creep down the staircase to investigate if Lyss needed any help.

As she approached, the voices became clearer and she could tell that Lyss wanted this person out.

"Elizabeth, I told you over the phone that I didn't want to talk to you." Lyss sounded annoyed and their voice was harsh.

"Well I assumed that meant you wanted to see me in person." The other voice, 'Elizabeth' seemed to have a sweet tone towards Lyss.

"When the fuck does that mean 'come on over'?!" Lyss exclaimed annoyance clear in their voice, Perla peaked around the corner of the starwell. She saw Lyss towering over a small woman in a skimpy red dress. The woman had honey brown hair that cascaded down her back in bouncy waves, She tried leaning into Lyss in front of her and Lyss just pushed her away annoyance radiating from their face.

"Lyss, I know you, I know you want me." Elizabeth pushed closer to Lyss in a sultry way and a look of disgust crossed their face. "You were gone for so long, I tried to reach you so many times, I miss you, I miss us." Elizabeth pressed.

Perla felt something bubble up in her chest, it was an uncomfortable feeling, she wanted to step in but decided unless Lyss seemed in major distress, she was going to stay put.

"Oh fuck off Elizabeth, Do you know how many times I tried to start over with you? How many chances did I give you? How many times did you throw those chances away?"

"Don't you miss me?" She pleaded with them. "I messed up Lyss, it was a mistake. Why can't you forgive me for that?"

"Fucking another person is not a mistake." Lyss said coldly. When they looked away from Elizabeth their eyes met Perla and they sighed. "I want you out of my house."

Perla's heart beat hard for a quick second but Lyss didn't acknowledge she was here which made her stomach twist.

"Why don't you love me anymore? Is it because of that bitch? Is she here?"

"Don't call her that." Lyss snapped with almost a growl to their voice.

Elizabeth laughed and tried to grab Lyss' arm. "I'm better than her, in every way. I know you and your body, I know what you like. I can please you much better than she can." Lyss rolled their eyes. And stepped away from her, Elizabeth was backing them to the wall.

"You never did shit for me. You stole my money, cheated, lied, drank, and tried to fight me all the time. Why would I want that?" Lyss tried to step around her but she leaned in and trapped her against the wall.

"You know you want me back. I can change, I swear!" Elizabeth seemed almost frantic, She pushed against them and seemed to try and kiss them but they moved their head.

Lyss sighed in annoyance before they pushed her away from them. Elizabeth looked surprised and angry.

"Elizabeth for the last time. Fuck. Off. You showed up at my house unannounced. In the middle of the night. And think you can just sweet talk me into being with you again?" Lyss paced around the room and Elizabeth turned to face them a look of hurt crossed her face, she looked beautiful to Perla, Light skin covered in moles, with blue eyes lined with black and her lips were bright red, The dress was a lot more revealing in the front.

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