>>The power of being understood<<

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[Chapter 31]

<<  2/3  >>

I dropped off the kids at my parents house and rushed straight to the hospital, I know they have something to do with Freddy being taken away and I needed answers.

I walked straight to the front desk as the lady asked me who I was and who I'm here to see.

"Just take a left, take the elevator to the third floor and he should be in room two eighty-eight." She smiled.

I gave her a quick thank you and followed her directions. I eventually ended up infront of the door. I hesitated for a split second before I walked inside.

Toy Bonnie and Springtrap were there, alongside with other people, I remembered flame as he waved at me. "Didn't expect you to be here.. what are you doing anyways? Shouldn't you be running?-"

"I'm here for answers." I darted my eyes over at Goldie who looked away in shame.

I scoffed, "You clearly have something to do with the cops finding Freddy, What did you say!?" I exclaimed.

"Keep your voice low. People can hear us." Another said.

"Shut the fuck up, I wasn't talking to you." I looked over at some bear that looked like a knock off version of Freddy.

"Eres estúpido o qué? I'm the one who helped carry you to the hospital when you tried to kill mi carnal!" He Exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and was about to say something until Goldie shouted everyone to stop, catching my attention.

"Can everyone just get out except Bonnie?" He yelled, eyes closed with his head leaning against his pillow.

The room went silent and they were out in seconds, Leaving me and Goldie alone. The minute the door slammed shut behind me I broke down.

"I should've left you in that room. I should've never helped you." I said through gritted teeth.

"Bonnie.." He mumbled, A hurt expression written across his face.

"Don't 'Bonnie' me, You ratted him out!-"

"For fucks sake Bonnie, Just let me explain! You're always quick to jump to conclusions!"

I stood still and looked at him with disbelief, I sighed and crossed my arms above my chest. "Okay."

He scoot over on his bed and pat the side next to him. "Please." he mumbled.

I couldn't help but feel bad and finally chose to sit down as one leg swung off the edge of the bed. we sat there in an awkward silence until I began to hear quiet sniffles, I turned to look over at him and saw that he had turned his head away, ears flat agaist his head and one hand covering his eyes.

"Goldie.." I said, Placing a hand on his arm, he didn't push me away, Instead, he accepted it. 

He uttered something underneath his breathe but I couldn't make it out, "Hm?" i leaned in closer.

"Im sorry.." He mumbled before he broke out into a quiet sob.

I could feel my heart shatter,there was definitely more behind all of this. "What exactly happened?" I questioned.

He calmed down a bit after a few seconds and wiped away his tears. "The truth is.." he paused, Letting out a shaky breath before he continued. "When we first joined the mafia, He said that, Incase if anything were to happen, and we'd get caught, to put all the blame on him-"

"And why didn't you try to talk him out of it?"

"I tried to so many times, but he had his mind made up." His voice sounded hoarse again and he began to cry once more, "Im sorry, It's all my fault, I was the one who forced them into it. Freddy and springtrap.. It was all me.. I wish i took it seriously i didn't know that my actions would have consequences as big as these-"

"Goldie." I interrupted him, "Im sure they forgive you.. I forgive you. People make mistakes, some bigger than others, but the point is that you learn from them and not to do it again, You know?"

"I killed innocent people and for what?" He shook his head.

He had a point, I only sighed in response and shifted slightly in attempt to be more comfortable.

"I know how you feel, Goldie. Because I feel that way too."

"But you know how to handle the grief, Don't you?"

"Well, No.. but at the end of the day, It's the decisions you make that matter. Of course it's not ever okay to murder somebody.. but we did it to survive."

"I just wish I didn't.." he looked away in shame. "I've lied to my mom, To xavier.. To you at one point.. It's like I do nothing more than disappoint people."

I couldn't help but shed a tear, I understood his feelings at heart, I understood every single word he said because I went through it all. I know what it's like to experience it.

I leaned my head against his shoulder. "We're so helpless in this world." I sighed.

"Not for long, Bonnie.." he paused.

"Not for long."


A/N: Hey there!!

Oh my god, I haven't written in a while.. Actually, A few days ago I had this entire chapter written.. I don't know what happened but it started to glitch out and shit, And oh my word 😱 guess what happens, I uninstall and reinstall again thankfully I got everything back!

Except for the chapter..

AND I LIKED HOW IT TURNED OUT IT WAS SO GOOD, but it's whatever you know.

Anyways, I actually also wanted to apologize, I haven't been posting much and that's kinda on me... I just haven't been having a lot of motivation but I also don't want to discontinue the book.

And I'm not going to.

But there have been some news lately that I haven't said, I know this isn't really important to most but I decided I wanted to join cheerleading, And I made the team!! yay!

Anyways That's basically all, I really appreciate those who have still stuck with me during all of this, I know it's a lot. But, once more, I really appreciate it.

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