>>Catching up<<

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[Chapter 16]

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"He told me to warn you about Chica.. She's not going to stop until she gets what she wants. Which is you, Bonnie. There's something you must have done to make her angry and now she's gone crazy, killing anyone who gets in her way." Foxy said.

"I don't know what i did other than.." Bonnie turned to look at me.

I looked back at him and stayed silent for a moment before I realized what he was talking about.

"Um, first of all, I did you. Not the other way around." I hit his head and looked back at Foxy.

"Springtrap said it wasn't because of Freddy. That it was something else." Foxy said

"Well I don't know what i fucking did, maybe she's just a bitch who hates to see other's succeed in life." He shrugs.

"Okay well that's kinda reasonable." Foxy agreed, and scratched his head with the side of his hook. "But she's after you, Bonnie."

"Noo, really?" Bonnie said sarcastically.

"Bonnie, I followed her to where she lives.. It's at a motel, and she had a shit ton of photos of Springtrap." I said.

Bonnie was about to answer until Xavier peeked around the corner and started running towards me.

"Uncle Freddy!" He exclaimed excitingly as he got on the couch.

"Hey, little man." I hugged him. "Don't you think it's a little late for you to be up?"

He got comfortable beside me and rested his head on my arm before he whispered into my ear, "Who's that scary guy?"

I looked at Foxy and laughed, "He's your uncle, Go say hi." I whispered back.

Xavier looked at Foxy, then to me, then back at Foxy, before looking back at me again, "He's scary." He mumbled

I smiled and shook my head, "No he's not, I promise you he's nice."

Xavier looked at me and slowly nodded as he got off the couch and walked to Foxy. "Are you my uncle?"

Foxy smiled and nodded, Xavier seemed calm down but still looked at me for reassurance. I shook my head yes and watched as he let Foxy pick him up.

Xavier Giggled and put a finger in Foxy's mouth, "Is that a gold tooth? Why is it chipped?"

Foxy laughed and took Xavier's hand out of his mouth, "Yeah. Your Uncle Bonnie knocked out my tooth by accident and I replaced it with a gold one. And it's chipped Because your Uncle Freddy hit me by accident too."

I remembered that. It was back in 8th grade when Bonnie and Foxy were having a fight, It was a joke but Bonnie ended up hitting him too hard and his tooth went flying out. And then when he got his gold tooth I accidentally hit him when I was grabbing a drink from a waitress..

Xavier curled up into a ball underneath Foxy's arm and immediately fell asleep.

"I think he knows I made him."

"You fucked Bonnie!?" I whispered.

"No! Not like that.. I made Xavier's soul." Foxy said as he rubbed Xavier's head softly. "He looks a lot like Goldie.. How are his powers? Are they working out fine?"

"He's glitched a few times this month but it's because he uses his teleportation too much, He usually gets tired after using his powers two to four times a day but he still keeps going, even when he's tired." Bonnie said.

Foxy just looked at Xavier and Smiled, "Okay."

"I should probably take him back to bed." Bonnie stood up from the couch and picked up Xavier who was in a deep sleep.

As he went up stairs Foxy and I turned to look at eachother, "What the fuck did you do?" He asked.

He seemed anrgy and I felt ashamed, he knows me and Bonnie broke up when he told me to take care of him.

"I'm sorry.. I didn't mean to." I mumbled.

"You're in the Mafia and you broke up with Bonnie, You're drinking and smoking, And worst of all, You're seeing random ass people who don't give a fuck about you, and you know it." He whispered.

"I don't know what to do, Foxy. It's not like I can get back with him, he's already with someone else." I put my head on my hands.

"I thought you were better then this.." foxy said before Bonnie walked into the living room.

"Hey, you guys want something to eat or drink?"

"I'm okay, I think I'm gonna get going now.. Can I go up to say bye to Alex?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure."

Bonnie POV

"So how long have you been with Candy?" Foxy asked, Patting the spot on the couch next to him.

I sighed and sat down, "Seven Months."

"And you traded four years for that?" He shook his head in disappointment.

"Look, Freddy is in the Mafia and it's dangerous for me to be with him, I didn't want to love him or be in a relationship with him, knowing he could die at any moment." I explained

"But you do want to be with him, No? You still love him Bonnie, and it shows."

"No I don't. I wish me and him never even met."

"Don't say that, You know you don't mean it." He said

I stayed silent for a few minutes before I looked at him, "You're not staying here for long, are you?"

He shook his head, "No.."

I felt my heart ache and tried my hardest not to tear up.

"When do you leave?"

"Tomorrow, when the last firework goes off. But I want it to be at the beach, Okay?"

I nodded, "Okay."

Freddy walked down and wrapped an arm around Foxy's neck from behind, then rubbed his knuckles on his head, messing up Foxy's fur.

Foxy laughed, "I'll see you later, Freddy."

We both watched as he opened the door and accidentally bumped into Goldie.

"You're coming back home this late?" Freddy asked.

"No, I'm actually here to take you back to the warehouse, they need to talk to us about something." Goldie said.

"Oh shit! I forgot!"

Goldie shook his head in disappointment and looked over at me and Foxy. I saw how he realized Foxy was here and he immediately went running to him.

"Foxy!" Goldie exclaimed, hugging him from behind the couch.

Well.. he was practically choking him from behind but Foxy didn't really care.

"I thought you were dead?" Goldie asked.

"I am, I'm staying here until tomorrow. But you guys seem to be in a rush, You should get going." Foxy said

Goldie nodded and waved goodbye to me before leaving with Freddy.

"Tell me everything that happened when I was gone." Foxy asked.


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