>>Watch what you say<<

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[Chapter 26]

<<  1/3  >>

I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing, I turned it off and rolled over, lifting my arm to wrap it around Bonnie but quickly catching my mistake as he wasn't there.

I groaned and hid myself under the sheets, Remembering that I have to go and train today. Speaking about that, I should probably get ready.

I dressed myself in a tight white shirt, With black shorts and shoes, I grabbed a sweater from the closet and left my room.

"Freddy!" I heard Toy Bonnie call out.

I turned around and watched as he walked up to me, "Oh hey, I haven't seen you around in a while, Where have you been?"

"Just busy going on missions and taking care of the club. Somewhere you haven't been in a while, When are you gonna come back?" He questioned.

"Once withered Bonnie lays me off, I've been going on missions, Jumping and killing people left and right. I'm starting to get tired."

"Yeah, I know how you feel.. Any luck with Bonnie?"

"Haven't heard of him since the incident. I only saw him with Candy, I thought we could've made things work but.." I trailed off

"I'm sure he'll open up some day and explain what's going on."

"Maybe words can't explain it." I shrugged, "It's alright, I'll wait as long as I need to."

"You've been waiting for a year and a half.. You don't think its time to move on?"

"I can't, Nobody is like him."

Toy Bonnie only shook his head and put a hand on my back, "Let's go train."

We entered the gym, Meeting up with Monty. Sadly Goldie isn't going to be here much, He's busy helping Springtrap with his pregnancy so I'm basically alone.

"You ready to train?"

I sighed, "Let's just get this over with."

~Time skip~

I was sat on the couch with Alex, Playing Xbox, I was supposed to go easy on him since he's just a kid but.. I got competitive and now he lost five rounds.

"I'm not playing anymore!" He threw the controller on the couch and stormed to his room

"I- Alex! Come back here, It's just a game!"

"No!" He yelled, slamming his door.

I laughed quietly and turned to look at Goldie, "I told you to go easy on him." He said.

"You can't tell me it's not funny." I rolled my eyes.

He looked down and chuckled, "Let's just focus on getting the food ready, Springtrap should be here any minute now and you don't wanna see him when he's hangry.."

"What're we gonna make?" I walked towards the kitchen. "I have basically everything."

"You know, for an apartment, You have a big kitchen." He looked around.

"Rent is expensive though since I live downtown, And in a modern building."

"True.. We should make Chicken Alfredo, I'll get started on it while you go get the kids ready, And apologize to Alex!" He said.

"I know."

I knocked on Alex's door before opening it, "Hey buddy." I started, "Um.. Sorry about earlier."

He covered himself with his blanket and rolled over to face the wall. I rolled my eyes and closed the door behind me, walking closer towards his bed and sat down at the end of it.

"Alex, It's just a game. Look, I'll teach you how to play it better, and then we can do another round."

He shook his head and stayed silent.

I stayed quiet too and looked around, Seeing his drawings scattered on his desk. I got up and started looking at them.

They were mostly just landscapes, A drawing of what I think is Ivy, And some more.

"You make good art." I said, Looking through more.

He was still quiet but I knew I caught his attention. "You wanna tell me more about these drawings?"

He didn't budge for a second until he finally got up, I pulled him in for a hug, Kissing his cheek before sitting him on my lap.

"Tell me.. About this one, Who is she?" I pointed to the Brown bunny on the drawing.

"It's a girl in my class.. She's my friend, And she's really nice, She smells good too." He shrugs.

I looked at him with a confused look but nodded, "And.. What about this one?" I handed him one of Ivy.

"I don't like this one, It's bad, And everything looks wonky.." he sighed, Passing it back to me.

I looked at it, "I remember when Your uncle Goldie was ten, He started painting, But everytime he messed up, he would lose faith in himself more. So when your grandma noticed, You wanna know what she told him?"

"What?" He asked.

"She told him, 'Good art is not what it looks like, but what it does to us'." I looked at Alex.

He stared at the picture and got up, Taking it and taping it to his wall. I smiled and got up,  "Alright, Let's get you ready, You're gonna eat dinner and then do your homework."

"What!? I don't have-"

"You think I wouldn't find this hidden under your bed?" I pulled out his math homework he didn't do. "I'll help you if you're struggling with something. Because-"

"You were good at Math when you were in school. Mom told me." He grabbed the packet and placed it on his desk.

"He did?" I mumbled, Looking for pajamas in his closet. "Alright well, while I look for some pajamas, You go start your bath."

"But I dont want one!" He exclaimed.

"Alex, you may not want one but you need it." I exaggerated.

He groaned and went to start the bath while I chose his pajamas. It has been getting colder too, So I decided to add some fuzzy socks for him to wear.

I also chose to put clean sheets and pillow cases on his bed, then tidied up his room as much as I could before the bath was filled.

"It's ready!" Alex exclaimed from the bathroom.

"Okay, Give me a second!" I rushed out of his room, Grabbing his towel and throwing it in the dryer so it would be warm when he gets out.

"Pa?" Alex called out, messing with the bubbles in the tub.

"What's up, kid?" I asked, gently rubbing the shampoo into his fur.

"What was your graduation like?"

I stopped what I was doing, Wondering how I would word it without completely telling him what happened. I sighed.

"It was scary." I spoke quietly, Pouring water over him to wash off the soap.


"For many reasons. One of them being because i was scared to grow up as an adult."

"I wish I was a grown up." He made a Beard out of bubbles.

I chuckled, "You'll regret saying that when you're older."


Christmas special: 1/3

A/N: I stayed up until 4am to finish writing all of this, I know it doesn't look like much and probably isn't good but have some patience 😥🙏 Also, Any ideas for one shots? Not sure if you all remember, but I did say I was wanting to make a Fronnie one shot book, so I just wanted to ask if any of you had ideas?

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