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[Chapter 13]

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I rushed to the hospital and made it in time to check in Alex. not long after, they called his name and followed the nurse to a room. I then looked over at Bonnie who had Alex in his arms.

"I can hold him." I offered

Bonnie turned to look at me and shook his head no. "He ran up to me for a reason. plus, I don't think he wants to let go." He paused, Looking at Alex who was staring off into space "Do you Alex?"

Alex looked at me and held out his hand for me to grab, I took it and kissed it. Me and Bonnie smiled at eachother and walked into a room.

"Alright, Alex, can you lay down on the bed for me?" The nurse said.

Bonnie put Alex down on the bed and sat down in a chair, Me and Goldie did the same.

"Okay.. You're gonna put your finger in this thing and then we're gonna take your blood pressure. Which is this thing." The nurse shows Alex one of those things that goes Around your arm, I don't even know what they're called. "It's gonna go around your arm, and it's gonna feel a little tight but don't worry about it." She finished.

I watched as she took Alex's blood pressure and then she waited as the machine tightened.. the thing around Alex's arm.

"So, What's bothering you today?" She asked, putting the machine aside

"He's been throwing up anything we give him, he's also developed a fever and it seems to be getting worse." I answered, Looking over at Alex who obviously expected me to answer for him.

"Okay.. when did it start?" The nurse questioned, getting out a clipboard and writing some stuff down on it.

"When'd it start, Alex?" i whispered to him.

"Today.." he whispered back

I cleared my throat and looked at the nurse "Today."

"That's quick.." Goldie said quietly.

"It really is.. Alright, Uh, Alex here's a cup, I think you know what to do with it."

Alex took the cup and then looked at me, I pointed to Bonnie and smiled at him. Bonnie gave me a death stare as he got up and took Alex to the bathroom.

"He's gonna kill you when we get home." Goldie whispered into my ear.

I laughed quietly and noticed the nurse wasn't here anymore.

~Time skip~

It's now 3am, We got home at 2:30am but I decided to stay up to finish writing some songs down in my notebook. Suddenly, I felt someone wrap their arms around my neck and I knew it was Bonnie.

"Hey, Love. What're you doing up this late?" I ask, Tilting my head back so that I could see him.

"I should be asking you the same.. Come to bed, It's late and I can't sleep without you." He spoke softly.

I looked down at my notebook and thought about it for a little. "I really have to finish this.."

He looks down at the notebook "You writing songs?"

I nod "But I can't focus with you Here- What are you doing?"

"Nothing." He massages my shoulders. "Just.. trying to make you feel good. Unless you want something else." He says seductively, running his hand down to my crotch.

I Became nervous all of a sudden as he unzipped my jeans. I grabbed his hand and looked up at him. "We really shouldn't. Someone could walk in on us.." I whisper

"We can be quick." He responded, kissing my neck.

I shook my head no "Not right now, Babe. I really have to get this done."

"C'mon.." He wrapped his hand around my length "I saw the wa-"

Suddenly we heard little footsteps going downstairs, Bonnie Quickly zipped up my jeans and he pretended to be grabbing some water. I looked over and saw Alex quietly jump down the last step, then looked at me

"Oh.. Hi, Pa, Hi ma!" He smiled, Walking over to the table and sitting at the seat across from me.

"Hey, Hon." Bonnie said, walking over to Alex and kissing his head while looking at me.

I shook my head, and looked back down at the notebook.

"What are you doing, pa?" Alex questioned, leaning over the table to look at my notebook.

"Uhh.. Writing. What are you doing?" I answered, Looking down at my notebook as I tried to focus on the next lyric.

"Drawing." Alex mumbled

I looked up to see what he was drawing and kept looking at the paper, He was drawing planets and other things like that.

"Do you think they could go up to a museum?" Alex asked once more.

"Uhh, I don't think it works like that.. put i can definitely put it in a picture frame and brag to my friends about how good of an artist you are. they would be soo jealous." I chuckled

Bonnie smiled and poured some medicine in a small cup, Handing it to Alex. "When you're done drawing, Drink this and then go to bed."

"Do I have to?" Alex whined

I looked up again, "Yes, unless you wanna be throwing up in your bed and all over yourself, and-"

"Okay, i think that's enough." Bonnie gagged

I laughed slightly and went back to writing. Suddenly, I felt Someone rest their head on mine, I turned to look and saw Goldie, he looked extremely tired.

"Hey, man." He said tiredly.

"Hey. Did we wake you?" I asked quietly.

He shook his head no and looked over at Alex "Springtrap has a headache." He removed his head from mine and rubbed his eyes.

"Oh? What's wrong with him?"

"I don't know." He paused, Leaning down to my ear "Nightmare wants us over tomorrow at eleven. But we gotta tell Bonnie we're leaving for work." He whispered.

I suddenly looked over at Bonnie then looked away once we made eye contact, he's probably wondering if we're talking about him.

"Okay. And then for Friday?"

"Tomorrow we're going.. He wants us to be there early, says it's an emergency." Goldie yawned, Grabbing something from the fridge. "I'm gonna take these back upstairs for Springtrap. Maybe he's hungry."

I watched as Goldie went back upstairs and then Alex walked up to me.

"You going to bed?" I asked, placing him on my lap and giving him a hug.

He giggled "Yeah, Byee." He out his hands over my eyes.

I smiled "Bye, Alex. And you say goodnight, Not bye." I laugh

"Bye!" He yelled as he ran upstairs, tripping over a few steps.


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