>>Money love<<

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[Chapter 24]

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I woke up hyperventilating, It was dark out and I was laying down on something very uncomfortable, I saw trees above me and looked around as I sat up, I was in the park. I remembered what had happened and lifted my shirt up a bit, Seeing that I was bleeding from my side and I had a few scratches on my arms.

On the bark chips I saw my phone, I grabbed it but I only had 1%. I had a lot of missed calls from Freddy, Bonnie and Springtrap.. All from a week ago and a few new ones too.

Wait.. I thought Springtrap went missing? Was I hallucinating all along? Was this-

I don't want to think about it.

I stood up, My knees felt weak and I was hungry, I just felt like shit, My entire body hurt so I didn't have enough energy to teleport back home. I walked away from the park and started to make my way back home.

I unlocked the door, my eyes felt so heavy and I felt like I couldn't move one more step, It took me two hours to get here and my phone died on me.

I looked up, Seeing Freddy, Springtrap, And Bonnie all sat at the table, Springtrap was crying and Bonnie was comforting him while Freddy seemed stressed out as he looked at missing posters of me.

"Goldie!" Springtrap exclaimed, Standing up from his chair and sprinting towards me. I closed the door and leaned against it.

"Hey, Baby.." I exhaled, Holding him in my arms as he cried.

"Where were you!?" He asked, Looking up at me, "You're dirty and bruised up, What happened!?"

"I was.. at that park near Glamrock high."

They all stared at me blankly, "what?" I asked.

"Goldie, There is no park near Glamrock high."

I sighed "Whatever.. I was at a park, I don't know."

"You have scars everywhere, Goldie. How do you not know where you were!?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't know, Bonnie! I just woke up in the middle of a park that you guys claim to not exist!" I say trying to walk away but almost fell to the ground, Thankfully Freddy caught me.

"Let's get you cleaned up.. Springtrap's gonna do it cause I don't wanna see your dick."


I scrubbed gently all over my body, it burned but I had to anyway. Springtrap poured some warm water over me as i played with the led light that was in the bath.

"Goldie." He said softly.

I looked up at him with curiosity, "Yeah?"

"What happened when you were gone?"

I didn't answer and looked back down at the bubbles, I shrugged. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"I don't know! I just woke up in the middle of the park, Nothing happened.. I guess I just passed out and some animal scratched me or something.

"That doesn't explain your lack of energy and the fact you didn't teleport back home." He said

I stayed quiet and started to drain the tub, He handed me a towel and I wrapped it around me.

"Lets go get you changed." He sighed.

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