>>Just a dream<<

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[Chapter 21]

<<  3/3  >>

Goldie POV

I woke up to the light shining through the window and looked over to Springtrap's side of the bed, I expected him to be there but he wasn't.. and it looked like it was untouched.

I felt a wave of sadness hit me and sighed.

Just a dream.

I looked over to my nightstand and grabbed my phone to check the time, Seeing that it was 7:15am. I got up from the bed and left my room to check up on Xavier.

I quietly opened his door and saw that he was asleep at his desk with his head down, Not to mention he was drooling all over his homework. I cringed and walked in, Picking him up and placing him in his bed.

He doesn't wake up until 9am so he still had a few hours left of sleep.

"They're so cute when they're asleep." Someone whispered.

I turned around and saw Springtrap, I didn't respond and kept looking at him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, Grabbing my hand.

"I thought it was all a dream." I lead him out of Xavier's room.

"It's weird, No?" He paused, placing a hand on my cheek. "I'm here after being 'Dead' for a year."

"Yeah.." I rested my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. "What do you think Bonnie or Xavier would say if they saw you?"

"Xavier saw me when I was still dead, You know how I told you I would visit you sometimes? He'd catch me and stay staring at me for a few minutes." He laughed quietly. "But Bonnie.. I'm not sure. He'd probably be surprised."

I smiled, "I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

I pressed my lips gently against his and felt as he wrapped his arms around my neck, we stayed there for a few seconds before we heard a quiet gasp and parted to see who it was.

Bonnie stood in the middle of the hallway with his hand covering his mouth as tears rolled down his cheek.

Springtrap let me go and walked up to Bonnie, Pulling him into a hug. "How could I ever leave you here alone?" He cried.

"I missed you so much!" Bonnie looked at Springtrap, Placing his hands on his cheeks. "B-But how?"

"I always come back.." Springtrap smiled as Bonnie checked for any scars on his body.

"I don't get it, How come you don't have any scars where she.." he trailed off.

"My fur covers them, Bonnie." Springtrap chuckled. "They're still there."

Bonnie stayed quiet and I soon realized that Freddy was taking long to come out of the room. "Hey, Where's Freddy?"

"He got called to work.. he left at six in the morning and isn't coming back until-" Bonnie was interrupted when we heard a knock on the front door. "Seven." He finished.

I walked downstairs and Right when I was going to open the door, Springtrap stopped me and shook his head no.

"Don't open it. It's not Freddy." He whispered. "It's Withered Bonnie.."

I frowned, "How do you know?"

"Because.. He's looking for me." He went upstairs and turned off the lights.

I backed away from the door and teleported to Springtrap, "Why is he looking for you?"

He stayed silent and went into the closet to look for clothes. I followed behind him, "Springtrap."

He didn't say anything and grabbed some cargo pants and a black shirt until I stopped him. "I asked why he's looking for you."

He shook his head, "I can't tell you."

I rolled my eyes, "Why not? We tell each other everything, I thought you wanted communication-"

"Because you'll hate me if I told you! Please, Goldie. Just drop it."

I nodded and kissed his cheek, Giving him a soft smile before walking away, "I'll make breakfast. Withered Bonnie must be gone by now."

~Time skip: 5 Months later~

"You're always doing this shit, Candy! You always make everything about you! What about how I feel!? You ever thought of that!?" Bonnie yelled.

"Baby, You know it's not like that, of course I care for you, I'd do anything for you. You know that-"

"It doesn't seem like it! You hurt me everytime we see eachother, It's draining the fucking life out of me!"


"You did this to yourself!" Candy yelled leaving the room and bumping into me.

He looked up and had a horrified look on his face. "G-Goldie.. Since when did you get here?" He said nervously

I grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and dragged him downstairs to the front door, "Get the fuck out of my house." I said sternly as I pushed him outside.

"C'mon man, Don't do this to me-"

"No, I don't wanna hear it, You walk in and break shit like it's yours. And I know why."

"Oh really? Okay, since you're so Smart then, why don't you tell me?" He scoffed, fixing his shirt.

"Because you know that at the end of the day, the only thing on Bonnie's mind is Freddy and the fact that he's more of a man than you will ever be." I looked him up and down.

What does Bonnie see in this guy?

"Please, If Freddy's the only one on his mind then why does he come running back to me?" He laughed, Beginning to walk away, "You can never get rid of me, Goldie."

I watched him until he got in his car and drove off. I rolled my eyes and turned around to look at Bonnie, He wasn't hurt or anything, but he looked ashamed.

"I'm sorry.. I tried breaking up with him And-"

"It's fine- I just.. Why are you still with that guy!? He's given you many reasons to break up with him."

He stayed quiet and looked down, "You wouldn't understand."

"Then help me understand!"

"The only one who could, is Freddy." He looked up at me.

"You know what happened that night.. He's not coming back."

Especially after what you did.

"I didn't mean to!" He cried.

"Bonnie, you betrayed him, You were going to get married, and you didn't show up! Why? Because you were with Candy, That guy is ruining your life and you know it!"  I yelled before going upstairs.

"I didn't have a choice." Bonnie said through tears.

I scoffed and walked into my room, seeing Springtrap turned to look at me with a sad expression on his face.

"I don't like seeing or hearing you guys argue all the time." He said.

I placed a hand on his stomach and shrugged "He just wont understand.. it feels like I'm taking care of another kid."

"More practice for when this baby is born." He sighed and sat down on the bed. "Cuddle with me?"

I rolled my eyes playfully and smiled as I Iaid next to him, I placed a hand on his stomach and kissed his head. "Only for a little because I have to go to work."

"Whatever you say, Goldie."


A/N: ..I have no ideas for the next chapter, This was all made last minute 😭

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