>>I should have<<

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[Chapter 9]

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Freddy POV

I ran down a dark alley, my mind was racing and all I could think was to get away. I winced at the pain on my leg but that didn't stop me..

Until I ran into a dead end.

I tried catching my breath as I looked for ways to climb over the wall blocking my path.

"There's no where to run, Freddy." A familiar voice said to me from behind.

I froze. Feeling a sharp object press on my back. Suddenly there was a gun shot and I didn't feel anything against my back anymore.

"Freddy, Hurry up let's go!" Goldie exclaimed, grabbing my sleeve and practically dragging me out of the alley.

I halt and begin hyperventilating. I look up and notice everything was beginning to get more blurry.

"Freddy?" Goldie turned to look at me.

The last thing I saw was the look of fear in his eyes. And then everything went dark.



I woke up with a huge headache then looked around the room.


"Freddy!" Springtrap got up from his seat and walked to the bed I was on

"What's going on?" I asked

"You blacked out. You were shot on your leg and right shoulder. You could've died." Toy Bonnie responded.

I rolled my eyes and sat up. "I should've.." I whispered

"Yeah but then who would be there to dick down Bonnie?" Toy Bonnie laughs.

"Talking about him, when are we going to get him out of that hell hole?" Toy Freddy added, placing one of his hands on Toy Bonnie's hip

"Don't know, we're gonna have to break in but we don't know the place very well. Only person who's been in it is Freddy." Goldie pitched in

Why are they all here?

I sighed "there's lots of security, everywhere you go there are cameras and they have rooms with locks that require a key card." I paused, Rubbing my eyes. "And every visitor is put into a small office with the Patient."

I studied the room and knew that they were already coming up with a plan.

"Are there windows in the rooms?" Toy Bonnie asked

I nodded "but the problem is, they have alarms, and once they're broken the alarms go off. I know that because I broke one the day I went to see him."

"You went to see Bonnie? What'd he say?" Springtrap questioned

I stayed silent and looked at Toy Bonnie. He knew why I was looking at him and lowered his head.

"Nothing much." I mumbled

"Nothing much?-.. Ohh." Springtrap leaned in "did you guys argue?" He whispered

"Something like that, But he stayed silent most of the time." I responded

He backed away and soon we all began to plan a way to break him out of there.

Well, I kinda wasn't.. I was mainly thinking about how I got shot on my shoulder. Me getting shot in the leg makes sense cause we were fighting and stuff but I didn't notice that I was shot on my shoulder.

How am I even at the manor right now? Do they have doctors here?

"Alright I came up with a plan." Goldie said

We all turned our attention to him and listened to what he has to say.

"Freddy, you're gonna go see him again next week, You're gonna have to sneak a note into his pocket, say whatever but you have to tell him the plan.. Then we'll take it from there." He added

They all agreed but I was hesitant. I know he gave me a rose as an apology but what if it gets awkward and he wants me to leave?

So many things could go wrong, and we haven't really been on good terms because I came back late from the time I was given an extra task before I left.

I sighed then looked at Springtrap.

"Do you know how long I'm gonna be like this?" I ask

"Should take you five days to heal, But you will have to go back to training afterwards." He said.


Suddenly, my phone lit up and we all turned to face the counter where it was laying at.

"Your husband's calling." Goldie said, Tossing me my phone

I answered and all I heard were Sniffles and quiet sobs on the other side of the phone.

"Bonnie?.. Are you okay?" I shooed away the rest and watched as they all left the room.

"N-No.. *Hic* I need.. I need to see you, Freddy."

"Babe, It's one in the morning! There's no way they're gonna-"


I stayed silent and thought about it for a moment.

"*Sigh* Okay, I'll be there in a few."

I hung up and leaned my head back on the pillow before ripping off the electrodes on my chest (Little patches they put on your chest when you're in the hospital.)

I got up and took out an IV attached to my arm.

Eugh.. I hate needles.

I looked down at what I was wearing and realized I couldn't go see Bonnie in a hospital gown.

This has to go.

~Time Skip~

I Managed to sneak into the Psychiatric ward and disguised myself as a nurse.

"What room is he in again?.." I whispered to myself

I looked down at the clipboard I had and searched for his name then eventually saw it.

I walked up the stairs and found myself going up 4 flights of stairs. Once I reached to the top floor I leaned against a wall while I catched my breathe.

I began walking down a long hallway and finally found Bonnie's room. I opened the door with a key card I stole from the front desk lady and walked in.

I quietly shut the door and saw Bonnie standing Infront of me with his back turned. I smiled and walked up to him, wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Hey, Baby." I whispered into his ear

He laughed quietly "Hey."

We shared a kiss before I locked the door with the key card I had. I noticed that in some rooms I walked by, the scans would say "Locked by ----".

"So, you needed me?" I said, Walking back to him

"..Sit." he responded, Pointing at the bed.

Suddenly, My mind was filled with images of Me and Him.. You know- Anyways, I shook my head slightly and sat down.


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