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[Chapter 21]

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I hugged Springtrap tightly and sighed in relief. "I Hate you, I hate you so much, Why did you do it!?" I cried.

"Freddy.. I had no choice, I knew Bonnie couldn't live without the person he loves and Goldie without his brother." He hugged me back.

"You didn't have to die for me to live." I wiped tears from my eyes. "The whole point was for me to keep all of you out of danger."

"That wasn't your responsibility." He rubbed circle's on my back, "I'm okay though, so you don't have to worry about me or the other's getting hurt."

I nodded and he kissed my forehead. "You should stay the night.. You look tired." He grabbed my hands.

"I can't.. Me and Bonnie- Wait what?" I frowned, Giving him a confused look. I thought he didn't know me and Bonnie broke up.

"I know what happened between you guys." He paused, looking down at my hands, "You still love him don't you?"

I shrugged, "I just think it's best to stay away, But.. There's always something that comes up and then I have to see him."

"I know everyone says this, But, you should always follow what your heart desires. And it's clear that it's Bonnie."

"I guess.." I gave him a slight smile before I let go of his hands.

"Hey, Bonnie's awake." Goldie said, peeking his head downstairs. "Can I take my boyfriend back now?"

I laughed quietly and walked upstairs, "Sure."

I knocked on Bonnie's door and opened it, he was sitting down on the bed, This time in pajamas, so I'm guessing he changed out of his stage clothes. "Hey, did you sleep okay?"

"I'm still tired." He paused, scratching his eye. "What are you doing here? Not that I don't mind, I just thought you left." He yawned.

"Goldie wanted me to stay, he said it was late and there was no point in going back to my apartment." I lied. "But, I was wondering if I could borrow a blanket. I'm gonna sleep downstairs in the guest bedroom."

"Yeah, sure." He stood up, walking over to the closet.

I leaned against the wall and my phone began to vibrate, I looked at it and saw messages from Lolbit.

Lolbit: Babe, where are you?

Lolbit: I've been trying to call you and you don't answer, are you still mad at me?

Lolbit: Whatever, but can you get me a new phone? This ones starting to get old, pleaseee?

I rolled my eyes and put my phone on 'Do not disturb' mode I should really break up with them.. it was cute at first but now it's just getting toxic.

The closet door opened and Bonnie walked out with two blankets.

"I know it gets cold in the guest bedroom pretty quickly so Im gonna give you two just in case." He handed me them, "Need anything else?"

I took the blankets and gave him a soft smile, "Nope, That's all. Thanks though."

"Night, Freddy."


I walked out of his room and went downstairs to the guest bedroom, once I opened it I got really cold and wrapped one of the blankets around me.

Geez, Bonnie wasn't lying when he said it was cold in here.

I quickly sat down on the bed, when suddenly the door opened, It was Goldie. "here's some pajamas." He threw them at me. "You're welcome."

"..Thanks." I mumbled, Watching as he closed the door.

I changed into the pajamas.. well, they were just red shorts with a black shirt so I guess they're not..

I covered myself with the blanket and stared at the ceiling for an hour before I slowly started to shut my eyes.

"Freddy.." a soft voice called out to me.

I didn't respond and opened my eyes carefully. I managed to make out a silhouette of a bunny and pat his head, "What Happened, Alex?"

"I'm not Alex.." Bonnie said.

I stayed silent and turned over to face him. "Oh.. What happened?"

"..Can you come sleep with me? I had a nightmare, and i can't go back to bed."

I smiled softly and felt myself going back to sleep until he poked my noise, Causing it to let out a funny sound. "Hm?"


I thought about it for a second and sat up, nodding my head, "Yeah."

I wrapped the blanket around myself and grabbed his hand so he could lead me upstairs since I still had my eyes closed.

We finally got to his room and I stood Infront of the door, "What happened?"

"I can't go back to bed.. I had a nightmare." He whispered.

I sighed and got into what was once my side of the bed, and Bonnie on his. I pulled him closer to me by the waist and smiled softly.

"I know you didn't have a nightmare, You just wanted me here, no?"

He stayed silent, "A little, Yeah. But I couldn't sleep knowing you were here.. I wanted you to hold me." He paused, turning his body to face me. "I missed you."

I looked down and Felt something in my chest when I made eye contact with him. I couldn't help it and pressed my lips against his.

He melted into the kiss and ran a hand up my shirt. But we parted not long after and smiled at each other.

"Night, Bunny." I hugged him and rested my head on top of his.

"Night, Fazbear." He laughed Quietly and hugged me back.


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