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"He-" Orion took a deep breath to not yell again, "Go on and tell of the stunt you pulled." He finished as he looked at Sirius.

"I didn't do anything," Sirius declared, his voice steady and resolute, unyielding in the face of his father's scrutiny.

"You jinxed Lucius on the train simply for stating a fact." Regulus, as always spoke the truth.

"He was making fun of my friends, he's lucky all I did was jinx him."

Orion's expression darkened at Sirius' admission, stern disapproval evident in the furrow of his brow.

"Enough..." She looked at both of her sons for a moment. "Regulus what happened- exactly."

Regulus met her gaze with a sense of solemnity, his demeanor betraying a sense of maturity beyond his years. Taking a deep breath, he began to recount the events that had transpired on the train, his words measured and precise as he detailed the altercation between Sirius and Lucius.

"He called one of his friends a filthy mudblood - and he was attacked 2 to 1 in the train before we left the station."

Walburga's gaze bore into Sirius with an unwavering intensity, her voice firm as she delivered her ultimatum. "You will apologize to Lucius Malfoy," she commanded, her tone leaving no room for argument. "If you wish to have your present. If not, then you will stay here, alone on Christmas."

It was an unjust punishment, but he needed to know not to attack someone who would marry into the family. His eyes widened and he had that look of anger towards her - one she found herself missing at times.

As he tried to storm out of the room, he felt a harsh tug on his collar, pulling him back with surprising force. Startled, he stumbled backward, his momentum halted by the firm grip of his mother's hand.

Though her grip was tight, there was a hint of desperation in her touch, a silent plea for him to listen and understand.

"You are better than this," she said, her voice low but tinged with urgency.

He looked at her trying to find sympathy but only finding shame.

"I am better than this, and, unfortunately, you can't see it in me." Freeing himself from her clutch.

She looked at him trying to find regret but only finding hate.

As he stepped away from her, a sense of helplessness washed over Walburga, her gaze lingering on her son's retreating figure.

Looking back at Orion she sighed, "Well I suppose that is as good a welcome we can give him."

Orion met her gaze with a mixture of understanding and sympathy, his sigh carrying the weight of their shared disappointment. He understood the countless sleepless nights she had spent worrying about their son, the endless letters she had penned in an effort to bridge the gap between them, only to discard them in fear of sounding too harsh.

He knew how much time she spent looking for a perfect birthday present only for the owl to send it back unopened.

"Mother?" For a moment there Regulus had become invisible, though he was used to it. He was the second son.

Looking at the curly-haired boy on the couch, she smiled slightly making her way towards him. As she reached his side, she gently placed a hand on his shoulder, offering him a reassuring squeeze.

"You've done a good job Regulus." She smiled ruffling his hair.

"I only did what you asked of me," he responded, his voice tinged with slight embarrassment as she played with his hair.

The Tragedy of Walburga BlackWhere stories live. Discover now