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I have no right to be this jealous

But what can I do when I'll literally never know you?

I'll never be acknowledged the way I want to be

A million people with the same personality

But only 1% will be loved for who they are

Is this supposed to be fair?

Take a look around, isn't this a mistake?

Why will I never be special?

I want things I won't work for because I'm too embarrassed

Why couldn't you give me something better?

I feel so insignificant

I wish I didn't have to be here

How can you let this happen to me?

I'm falling apart every day

Pointing out my own flaws

Because everyone is better than me

I'm just a slacker in a crowd of perfect hard workers

But I can't change no matter how much I try

I hate myself for the mess I've become

I should've just kept going from the beginning

Did you let me break down for a reason?

I feel like I'm going nowhere and it isn't going to get better

Take me out

Take me out of here

You already knew I wouldn't belong

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