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I can't escape the scary noises

When I'm awake and when I sleep

Stop saying we're safe here

It's not true what you're saying anymore

Stop saying there isn't a reason to worry

There's scary noises everywhere

I just want to hear certain voices

I try not to listen to your screaming and tantrums

I just want to be here in peace

Could you stop throwing things and popping balloons?

It isn't funny when it sounds more like death

I don't want to hear you

You start to make me afraid of strangers

Please be quiet, please calm down

Because you're making me panic

Stop behaving like a kid, can't you grow up by now?

Your immaturity turns into my hatred

I wish it wasn't so loud here

I wish you wouldn't act so proud here

I hate these stupid noises

I wish I could stop these stupid noises

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