Safety Net

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Did you know that you're my safety net?

Did you know I'd fall apart if you were never there to catch me?

Did you know the world wants to take you away?

To put you and me in a deep dark hole apart from each other,

Where nobody cares and nobody bothers

To look us in the eye and tell us that we're wanted.

Did you know?

Did you know I cry when I miss your face

When I miss the things you say to comfort me

I hear your voice and I feel joy

I see your smile and I feel comfort

But when I don't it's only pain.

Pain and fear, and loss and "what if"

What if I never saw you again?

What if my enemies succeed

What if they tell me we'll never be enough

And you can't protect me because they threw you in a box?

What if you forget that I'm here

So you leave yourself there

Not knowing just where you belong?

Not knowing that I belong in your presence

Your presence protects me,

Even when distance wrecks me.

Don't you see that I can't do everything?

I can't do anything when you're not around

Just know that either way we'll be heaven-bound.

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