Screen Society

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It's a shame we aren't in control of our own locations

Our own actions

Our own realities

It's a shame we want the same thing

Just to be near each other

But we can't get our wish

We can't be satisfied

We can't even have any proof

You say you're always here

I say the same but you don't really feel it

You say you do,

Well I say the same

But it's never entirely true, is it?

You don't even know the thoughts in my head

I haven't got to tell you my mindset

You act like you know me

And like I know you too

Which is partly a fact,

But with limited meaning

Come on, just reach your arm out

Come on, just give me your hand

It shouldn't be this hard

But I can't give you mine either

Why is our world run this way?

Why can't we express mutual comfort

I just want to jump through a screen

I want to hold you for a moment

So I can prove that I'll stay

Just as long as you're around

I promise I'm going to stay

Even when there's no more real sound

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