I miss you! :(

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Note: This isn't poetry, at least I don't think so, it was just me getting my thoughts out because I felt like it, lol..

It's been months since you've talked to me.

Actually, come to think of it you never TALKED.

But you communicated. Yes, You DID communicate with me.

And that meant the world. It still does.

You care. You care about ME.

You KNOW I exist. Or at least.. You DID know...

But who am I, now, to you?

No one?

Do I even exist in your brain?

I don't mean to be rude, but I think you've forgotten about me.

Even after all I've done for you.

I still message you all the time, don't you notice?

Don't you see me asking how you are?

I do it most days.

I tell you of my appreciation, but I only get ignored.

Can you hear me?

Do you know I still exist?

I haven't left you.

Why would I?

Have you given up on me?

Have I bored you? Annoyed you?

I ASKED you to tell me if I ever became a bother to you.

But you said nothing.

You sent me a "❤️"

What's that supposed to mean?

You saw what I said. That's what it meant.

It was a comfort.

But now it's been at least, what, half a year?

Half a year since I even got a "seen" from you.

You know, you can tell me, right?

You CAN tell me if I ever caused you irritation.

In fact if I did, I hate myself for it. I annoy ME too, don't you see that?

I showed you my insecurity.

But you walked away.


I know you're busy. I know I'm not the only one who loves you.

But you made me feel special, and it hurts that it stopped.

Even though I KNEW it would.

It was too good to be true that you saw me in the first place.

Even yesterday, I asked how you've been doing.

You can say whatever you want, you don't have to tell me what you did.

You don't have to tell me that you're okay, or good, or bad.

I don't need the truth, nor do I need a lie.

You could have just sent me another "x"

Because even a LETTER from you made me smile.

It was a confirmation that you wanted me to feel loved.

That YOU loved me, even if only in a small way.

Now you don't even open a message, not when it's from me.

Do you detest me that much?

What did I ever do? Why have I lost your favor? I thought you were my friend.

Or at least. Someone who listened to me...

Please come back. I'm still here. I'm. still. here.

I'm not going anywhere.

Not when I still have the slightest chance.

Not when I've worked so hard.

When I tell you I miss you, it's not a joke.

I DO miss you. You barely knew me, but I feel like you were the ONLY person who knew me.

Is that weird?

Am I weird?

I miss you.

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