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You have no idea how much I want to be you

I wish I were stronger

I wish I had faith

I want to believe in hope like you do

You don't realize I envy your freedom

I want your youth

I want your joy

I want to have so much more time ahead of me

You probably can't tell, but your confidence moves me

I wish I could be that blunt

I wish I could be that put together

I guess you could say I live through you vicariously

You might have never noticed, but I'd love to live your life

I want to hit all the checkpoints

I want to laugh like you do

I hope someday I'll be as witty and beautiful as you are

My friends, I'm afraid there's a chance I might lose you

Please don't cut contact when I'm gone

I'll always be around, and I don't want to leave you for so long

I hope you care as much as I do

I hope you mean what you say

I hope you don't forget me

I hope and always pray

I love you more than you know

And I hope I never offend you

Can we be friends forever?

I know that I annoy you

I know not what I even say

But sometimes at night I think about you

And wonder if you'll even stay

What if we grow up too soon

And we don't have time for each other?

What if one of us moves away 

And we lose everything we once had?

Please don't let me go

Please don't leave me all alone

You might not realize how bad I need you

Can you let me live somehow?

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