Caged (demo)

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This is a cage

This is the cage I'm in

 I just want to burn the bars but I have no flame

I know you wish I were just the same

But you're killing me inside

Killing us all because you're corrupting me 

All you are is fake

All you want is an imposter

An imposter

I'm not your fucking imposter

Manipulation strangles me completely

There's nothing I can do

Nothing to break free

Let me out, I don't have the key

I can't find it anywhere

It's nowhere to be seen

Just like my personality, since you've separated it from me

This is a cage

This is the cage I'm in

It hurts because I can't be loved

It hurts because no one cares

Not for the things I feel or the things I need

Not for any part of the real me

I know you can see through glass

I know you'll never admit it

I know you want something you'll never have

And I hope you regret hiding me

Until you're hidden too

I hope you regret stabbing me 

Until you get stabbed 50 times more

This is a cage 

This is the cage I'm in

This is the rage

The rage I've felt ever since you took every part of me 

And dissolved it in acid

Like nothing ever mattered

Like I would never matter

I wonder when you'll notice that you're dead to me

Only because I'm dead to you too.

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