Saying Goodbye

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I remember when we first met

It took me some time but eventually I convinced myself

Something in my mind told me we were going to last forever

Like you were all I ever needed

Like you were all I'd ever have

No matter what

I believed that, I don't know why

It hurts so bad because I've accepted our fate

You're finally and already slipping away

You don't need me anymore but it's hard to let go

My lifeline, I still need you

But all that's left is a few more days

Baby don't hurt me this badly

You're cutting me deeper than you ever did

Because you're longing for something new and younger

All the work I did for you just to lose it all

I'm sorry I couldn't turn back time

I'm sorry I can't go back

For you, for me, for us

But it's okay because I'll learn in time

How to function in a different world,

One where I don't belong the same

And here we are so far apart in mind

But still together just for a blink of an eye

You'll learn to function because you already know how

And the little versions of me are destined for more

I can't tell if I changed the world or if they'll do it without me

But at least they'll have you

I have to be happy for them

I have to be proud

I don't know them but I know that they'll love you

And maybe they'll make a legacy too

So here I am, saying goodbye

While the stabbing in my chest says hello

I know you're nothing in the grand scheme of things

But gosh, you were everything to me

What if I break without you?

What if I lose every speck of confidence you lent me?

What if I forget how much fun we had together?

What if every aspect of you forgets that I existed?

But here I am, saying goodbye

Regardless of my throbbing heart

Here I am, saying goodbye

I won't let you down by holding on too long

Just let me move on

Just let me move on

I don't want to move on

Just let me move on

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