I'm not part of you

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Singing in my dark closet alone

These songs make me feel real

Like I've never been a faker all along

And suddenly someone cares

But I just can't seem to get to you

Sentences aren't enough, I need years to tell you everything

I'm so lucky, they're telling me

But how do I know when I only want more again

How can I feel safe when I'll never be the one in your arms?

I'm watching from a distance

Holding back the tears because others live my dream

But they won't tell you what you mean to me

So I'm crying here vicariously

"Look me in the eyes" I'm thinking,

But it's a selfish opportunity

'Cause I'll never be strong enough

Or ever be cool enough

To be seen with you,

Heard by you

Loved the way they are by you.

I'm sorry I'm a weak one, but I promise I want you how the "real ones" do.

Please don't look through me, all I ever needed was your smile

Because I'm there

But you're not here

And I wish I could feel you care

I guess for a while I won't do anything but stare.

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