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There's so much pressure

Trying to fit a standard

That shouldn't exist in the first place

Leave me alone, I can't keep answering

The questions are blinding me

It's none of your business,

What you want to know isn't for you

I barely know you, why should you care?

I wish you would stop,

I don't want to be cared for

At least not like this

I don't wanna lie

But the truth won't protect me

So I just say "I don't know, I don't know"

Like a child still searching for a sign

Saying "this is what you want, this is who you are"

Pointing in everyone else's direction

I just wanna go my own direction

Without people acting like I have an infection and need to be hidden

In plain sight, I'm not the person you hoped I'd be

Leave me alone

I don't want these questions

Don't want your opinions

Or your denials

I just wanna be me

Without you prodding like an animal

Please go away

I'm not here for you

"Did you hear that?

She said she's not here for you!"

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