No offense but my feelings kinda matter (song)

19 1 14

(Title track of my imaginary album)

Have you ever thought about how you kill me inside?

Have you thought about your behavior?

Have you thought that maybe I hate you

And wish you'd fall off the edge of the Earth?

I know I'd regret if you did

But still, I think

No offense but my feelings kinda matter

My feelings kinda matter

Or am I just making a fool?

I'm telling myself lies, of course they don't matter

I'm just a pawn for your entertainment


That's all I'm meant to be

At least that's how you make it, you see

At least that's how you make it,

That's me

Have you ever wondered if I jumped off a bridge, would it come back to haunt you?

Have you ever wondered, if I put a gun to my head

Maybe it would be your fault

Maybe it would be your fault

Maybe you'd finally fall

Down to your knees and say "I'm sorry"

But could you ever be sorry?

Sometimes I want you to break into pieces until you feel what I feel

Because nobody knows how I feel

Don't you wanna know how I feel?

I know I'd regret if you did

But still, I think

No offense but my feelings kinda matter

My feelings kinda matter

Or am I just making a fool?

I'm telling myself lies, of course they don't matter

I'm just a pawn for your entertainment


That's all I'm meant to be

At least that's how you make it, you see

At least that's how you make it,

That's me

I said "At least that's how you make it, you see

At least that's how you make it,

That's me"

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