I Don't

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I don't have the money but at least I have your smile

I don't have the fame but at least we feel the same

I don't even have the time but at least I heard you rhyme

I don't feel special, but you want me to

I don't feel precious but I do when I see you

I don't feel happy until I hear your voice

I don't feel real until you remind me I'm alive

I know you'll help me revive

You're already helping me survive

You have no idea

You have no idea how I need this

Did you know that you're changing my life?

Did you know a video can mean so much?

You didn't do it on purpose

But you showed me I have meaning

You showed me it's not over

Even when the world acts like it is

Thank you because it's not the end

Thank you because it's just begun

Thank you because you made me spiral

In a swirl of hope, not disappointment

I love you for this

I love you for all of it

And you don't even know what you did, love

You don't even know you gave me a personality and a reason

You're so pure and lovely

I'm so proud you exist 

I can't believe all the heaven

That I surely would have missed

Had I not had you in my life now

You showed up at the perfect time

And you'll always be perfect in my mind

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