Arise after you've fallen

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I'm sinking like you want me to

Blinking but they stick like glue

Eyelids stuck

Keep em shut

No one said to open up

Hold me down

Like "where's my crown?"

What's that mean?

It's just a dream

Just a dream but still obscene 

What's that sound?

I've fallen down

I heard a crunch

There's not a bunch

Of things to see

It's just me

Not so free

Someone teach me

How to breathe

I got a text

Buzz, somehow I feel I'm next

I think they're coming

I start running

People drumming

It's not funny

I feel certain

Eyes aren't workin'

I can't make it

I'll just fake it

It's so sacred

Can't explain it

Chest on the ground

I smell dirt like a hound

There's blood on my nose

Lost a few toes

My eyes open wide

I think I just cried

Can't feel my skin

Someone listen

I'm all alone

Where is my phone?

I'm not at home

Was that a groan?

There's someone beside me

He sounds like he's dying

I reach for a stick

The air feels thick

Don't know what I'm doing

Now I hear cooing

Is this a delusion?

I need a solution

Something is shaking me

Who's down here waking me?

Eyelids separate

God starts to create

A space for me

It was never a race, you see

Life isn't meant to be

Heaven is all I see

Heaven is all I need

Everything here is a creed

On Earth we were only a seed

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