Chapter 19 - Realization

Start from the beginning

Pierre set two more water bottles on the nightstand.

"We're gonna head out. If you need anything, just call. I'll write my number down somewhere."

"Thank you so much, I'm sorry."
"No you're fine. It's okay."

I close the bedroom door behind him and sit on the floor next to my charging phone. My phone begins to ring snapping me back in my train of thought. Keith was calling.

I answer the FaceTime call with my eyes barely open.

"Are you on the floor?"
"Yeah, I think. I finally got water. Pierre was so nice."
"Who the fuck is Pierre?"
"I don't really know, he took us home from the club. I don't even remember how I got in the car or even leaving the club."
"Baby, you gotta be more careful and aware. You lucky he wasn't crazy or something."

"Mama, look at me." He says causing me to finally fully open my eyes.
"You hear me?" He asks.
"Yes baby. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize. You're okay. That's all that matters. Take off your make up and change clothes."
"Okay," I nod my head and go into the bathroom. After taking off my make up and washing my face. I brush my teeth and slide into my bonnet. It's like I was on autopilot.

I slide on one of Keith's shirts that I packed and walk towards the door.

"Where are you going now?" Keith asks.
"To check in on Haley,"

I walk to her room to notice her door cracked. Peeping through the crack, I notice she was in there with Pierre's friend. Her and her boyfriend had broke up about two months ago, I wasn't even mad at her. At least she's okay.

I walk back to my room and close the door. Crawling underneath the sheets, I set up the phone.

"I threw up Keith."
"You just had too much to drink."
"You probably don't even like me anymore. This is so not good," I groan.
"Baby," he lets out a little laugh.
"It's four am. Come on, let's go to sleep. I love you."
"Okay. Don't hang up. I love you too."
"I won't"

I blow him a kiss before closing my eyes. Before I knew it, I had fallen asleep.

>>> The Next Morning

My eyes flutter open as the bright sun shines in through the window. My head begins pounding instantly. I feel that familiar knot in my stomach again and I run to the bathroom. After emptying my stomach again. I brush my teeth. Looking in the mirror, I realized the mess on the bathroom counter. What the hell happened in here?

Looking around my room confused, it was a mess. I had way too much to drink. Grabbing one of the water bottles, I chug it instantly. My phone had died so I plugged it in. Once it cut back on, the time had said 1:36 pm. Damn! What the fuck?

Sighing, I walk out of my room. Samaria was asleep halfway hanging off the couch. Boy, we had a time last night.

Haley's door opens and she walks out. She wore an oversized black tee and her hair looked like a birds nest.

"Girl." She says.
"Right. What in the hell were we thinking?"
"How did we even get here?"

Before I could respond, a guy walks out of Haley's room shirtless.
"My boy Pierre dropped us off. Ya'll were fucked up. Like I'm talking in out of consciousness."

Samaria sits up looking around confused.

"Ya'll. I fucked that man."

That was her first thought? We all start to laugh.
"Raw!" She exclaimed.

"Oh shit Sam." I say.
Haley scratched her head and looks at the floor meaning she probably did the same.

"Ya'll. Okay. We gone be straight. Um, I'm pretty sure there's some clinics around here. Also, we need food too. First though, let's clean up and get dressed. We can't waste the day," I say.

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