Chapter 41

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| Shakthi Singhania |

I looked at the date written in the diary.

12th October 1992

It was My birthday. The day I was born. The day when my mom felt a lot if pain. She's the fighter. She's my saviour.

    I turned the page anxiously to look what happened next.

But it was burnt. I flipped through the diary with tears but the diary being half burnt, didn't help at all. I threw the diary over the bed in anger raging in me.

Such a betrayer he is. But why does my mom defend him everytime someone says bad about him.

Where did he go without giving answers? Did he even return? What was his past? Why do people call him with bad names? What did he do?

I gripped my hair in my hands in the hypertension I was feeling right then. It's been whole two days since I have left my mom's room. It's been whole two days since I started reading her diary.

I didn't eat or sleep. People have been knocking at the door all these while but I sent them away.

I sat down on the bed leaning to the bed. Tears were not even stopping.

I want my mom right now. I want her hugs. I want to hear from her. I want to take all her pain away. I want make her bad past vanish away.

And I'm never forgiving this man, my father.

I thought mom loves him because he was selfless and loving but what did he do at last? Breaking all her trust and stabbed her back. My mon survived the great pain which was inflicted by him.

I sat there numb.

I felt hungry and my eyes begged for sleep. But my heart was not calm. It was burning on fire realising the truth behind my birth and why does everyone hate my father a lot.

And knowing why my mother hated her family too.

She only loved me. Everyone else caused her pain. Her parents, her brother, her husband and everyone just abandoned her. I felt too heartbroken.

I lost my mom. I lost my mum. I lost everything I loved dearly. I can't even die too.

There was knock at the door.

"Shakti.." pale voice of my grandma emerged inside the room.

"Please grandma! Leave me alone!"

"Please beta. Have some foor. It's been two days since you locked yourself inside."


"Shakti Singhania! Are you coming out right now or Shall I ask Prakash to break this door right now?" My grandpa's authoritative voice echoed and I flinched a bit at the sudden intrusion.

I sighed. This man never changes. He just knows to order around. I used to love my grandparents dearly eventhough my mom don't talk to them.

I opened the door. My grandma hugged me tightly and cried. Grandpa just stood there looking at me with tears. I hugged her back and patted her back.

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