Big Brother Edgar Allen Poe x Little Sister Reader x Ranpo (BSD)

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Y/N Pov
Staring at Edgar who was focusing on work but he seemed excited some reason meaning his friend Ranpo was coming over making me sigh as I wished I had confidence like him to make a friend. "Y/N dear look at me" I look over to him seeing using ability and before I know it I'm a main young villainess in the book confusing me at first as what was I supposed to do. But then I remembered what I did just yesterday. I had marches all the way to the agency demanding Ranpo fight me in Edgars books but he had refused leaving me sad and walk up needing a new plan.

Spotting Ranpo who was smirking at me, it was obvious he was the prince and now the battle to solve this murder mystery was about to start so here we were battling to figure it out first. But I knew I needed to do this for both mine and my brother's sanity so working hard to get the answer I soon noticed Ranpo was just watching me with a soft smile on his face as he let me win making me happy I could help Edgar.

However I stood there I didn't want to leave as this was fun I had made a friend here but that's when it hit me all the books Edgar made, making me the lead role that engaged with all sorts of people to help make friends even if they weren't real but Ranpo was and he figured it out before me. Smiling at him "thank you Ranpo and you to big brother" I say just as we return back to normal. Turning as I hear sobbing I see Edgar hugging Karl to his chest "are you okay?" "I'm fine don't worry about me I'm just so glad you had a good time' "of course it's a book by you and you're the best out there."

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