Older Brother Fuuka Yamagishi x Little Brother Reader (Persona 3)

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Fuuka Pov
Worriedly staring at M/N's closed door as he seemed even more quiet these days ever since he went back to school maybe I had forced him too early as he was removed for a reason he couldn't handle it as it sent his anxiety through the roof but I barely had time to teach him anymore and he still needed his education leaving me no choice to send him back. Sighing going back down stairs spotting books on the bookshelf. Taking them out reading them seeing it was all his work but it wasn't from school or me meaning he was teaching himself meaning he didn't really need to go back.

The next day I waited for him only for him to sneak in without me noticing until he stood behind me as I was rushing to put my shoes on "your home" "yeah" with that he turns and leaves into the living room. Following I stand and watch him "how's school" "fine" "you don't like it do you" "it's fine" "your repeating" he goes to speak when there's a knock on the door revealing his head teacher. "Can I help you sir?" "Your brother hasn't attended one class is he coming back or not" "what but he has" "his attendance says otherwise." "I'll have a word with him"

Shutting the door I sit in front of him "where have you really been going?" "The library" "why? You said you'd try" "I did but I don't like it, I prefer to study alone plus I got a new tutor" "you did" "yes so you don't need to worry anymore I'm fine and still learning just my way" "alright that's fine but I want to meet this tutor to make sure he's alright" "sure but I know he's good your forgetting I have the same ability as you"

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