Older Brother Shigure Sohma x Younger Shy Sister Reader (Fruit Basket)

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Y/N Pov

Staring outside where Kisa and Hiro were playing with each other in the Sohma compound but I never could play with them to nervous and shy to even talk to them especially when Hiro glared at me all the time. "Y/N" I turn to my brothers voice as he sits behind me giving me a soft smile before looking outside "do you want to play with them?" shaking my head he sighs before stopping my head shaking "I understand, but I think they want to play with you" "I can't plus Hiro hates me already" "I don't think he does" I shake my head as I turn to him hugging him as he picks me up carrying me into his office letting me colour in.

Days later Tohru was over and letting me help her with hanging the washing on the line as my brother had work to do well it was mostly him messing with her as usual. "Y/N!" freezing up hearing my voice from another voice making me hide quickly behind Tohru "do you want to play with us" I look at her then Hiro who looks angry making me hide further behind Tohru shaking my head. Watching my brother walk over to Hiro who looked surprised before walking over to me holding his hand out to me" I didn't mean to scare you Y/N, I would really like you to join me and Kisa in our game" I look up at Shigure who was nodding making me smile as I take his hand letting him explain the game.

Day by day I grow with confidence with them making me play with them a lot more. Sitting in the garden with Kisa as we were making flower crowns she was making hers for Hiro as mine was for Shigure. "you two need to come in now it's getting late" "Shigure look!!" I shout as I get up running to him showing him my crown "it's beautiful my princess would you place it on my head" I nodded as he bowed down letting me place the crown on his head "its perfect!" he smiles kissing my cheek "of course it is now lets go in before it gets any colder out here"

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