Mother Sona x Male Baby Reader x Aunt Serafall (DxD)

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Sona Pov

Getting the results that I was pregnant I just felt my whole world shatter what was I meant to do with my goals a child would be in the way however my sister Serefall was excited and couldn't wait telling me all about what a child could bring convincing me more and more but even now as he lay beside me crying I couldn't love him as I still couldn't work hearing my door open I turn my head seeing Serafall as I go to question her she picks M/N up rocking him leaving the room leaving me wondering why I couldn't be like her.

It changed after that day as Serafall moved his stuff into her room saying she'll look after him which I just nodded as I was happy to work again but why did I feel empty? or annoyed watching my sister with him. Watching as tickles M/N's stomach making him laugh a big grin on his face making me smile a little cuasing a gasp from Serafall "you finally smiled at him" "what?" dragging me to the sofa sitting me down before placing M/N in my arms.

Looking down into his big eyes that were shining as he reached his chubby hands out playing with a finger as I smiled down at him "I'm sorry Serefall, for making you look after him, for not loving him I promise to do better" "you know it's not your fault right? some mothers are like that but now you make it up to him ands love him like he deserves" "I know thank you, thank you for showing me what I was missing" "of course just remember I'll be his favourite"

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