Aunt Headmistress Faragonda x Niece Reader

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Y/N Pov
Today was the day my day at Alfea which my Aunt looked so axcited for as she danced around telling me all about which I excitedly listened to but now as is told in front of the school I gulped nervous dripping my bag staps as my wings twitched with anxiety just looking at it. seeing my Aunt she gives me an encouraging smile making me take a deep breath trying to urge myself forward but my legs wouldn't move and not would my wings so I stood there rooted getting dizzy with the overwhelming fears of entering the school.

Hearing a familiar voice I turn my head slowly but see my God Uncle Palladium and I knew for a fact he could make me feel better so jumping into his arms as he hugs me letting me hide in his chest as I cry silently as he gently strokes my hair with me having no idea of the the silent communication with my Aunt. After a few minutes I stare into his eyes know he was eye level with me "tell me what your worrying about?" "What if I fail and embarrass Auntie I don't want to but I know I'm not smart so I'll fail" "listen to me Y/N no matter how bad you fail or how good you are your Aunt will still love and be proud of you she wouldn't care she just wants you to be comfortable and happy"

Staying silent for a few minutes until I speak back up "but my parents didn't want me right? Because I was a failure" "who told you that?" "Just the rumours that were going around the neighborhood" "don't listen to them they didn't do such a thing their just proud of you and always watching you so come on let's show them how brave you are." I nodded letting him guide me in the school feeling clamer as the minutes passed after all I and nothing to worry about.

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