Younger Brother Lance Crown x Big Brother Reader

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Anime: Mashle: Magic And Muscles

Lance Pov
Waking up from another dream of a unfamiliar man telling me that he loved me and apologizing before he disappeared completely and that's when I woke up not having a clue. Returning home I sneak in my fathers office looking through files but nothing not until I enter their bedroom seeing the drawerer with the key luckily in. Unlocking it I see a photo turned upside down. Turning it around i see a taller man smiling as the younger me hugging his leg however I noticed he had mark on his face but who was he and why did I seem close to him.

Hearing my fathers angry voice I turn to him "who is this?" I say pointimg to the photo "you shouldn't be in here" "that's not what I asked" "you don't need to know?" "Tell me now" "he's your brother" "then where is he? I keep seeing him" "we obviously kicked him out he's no magic user" "wasn't he a child too?!" "So what we won't have no magic user ruin this family just like your sister when she loses all magic she's gone!" Not able to stay here I head out deciding find my brother.

It was harder than I thought but I finally tracked him to a town selling bread he looked so happy people didn't seem bothered he had no mark here. Walking up to him he gave me a smile before it vanished "Lance? What are you doing here?" "I've been looking for you" "but you shouldnt remember me our parents cast a spell" "you kept appearing in my dreams so I demanded to know who you where" he sighs as drinks from his cup "are you disgusted just like them?" "Disgusted? Why would I be" "I'm a no magic user" "I don't care your still my brother and I can tell you cared for me as i do for you"

Taking a deep breath as he set the dinner plates down "I need your help with something?" "What is it?" "Our little sister she's losing her magic and there gonna throw her out" "sister? We have a sister?" I nodded showing him the locket making him smile "I missed a lot didn't I? I'll take her in bring her here I can look after her I promise" "I trust you with her"

Various Family Relation x Relation Reader Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now