Older Sister Momo Yaoyorozu x Little Brother Reader (BNHA)

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M/N Pov
Listening to the boring lecture that my tutor was talking about as I tapped the pencil off the table my eyes on the clock ready to get out of here and wait for my sister to come home as she always told me these great stories well she did until a week ago where she just came in gave me a smile telling me tomorrow as she was tired so I waited and waited hoping today would be the day to hear another adventure. Rushing down the stairs i sit on the bottom step waiting but again she says tomorrow.

Shivering at the deep voice of out father behind me I look up at him as he frowned down at me "please don't disturb your sister she's working hard and she doesn't need you disturbing her" "but I'm not!" "M/N you need to study more and be like your sister strong and smart." I just nodded looking down ashamed before slowly heading back to my room sad as I guess it was time to be like her and with me being close to her I know what she was like making this change easy for me.

Being proper and polite just like her was easy but boring I wasn't allowed to smile unless with the public not even with my friends anymore making them distance from me which seemed to make my father happy but all it did was made me miserable. Climbing the ladder in my room to out the book on the top shelf I hear the door open making me look seeing Momo who had a frown on her face "M/N can I have a word" nodding I climb down sitting beside her as she takes my hands in hers "M/N I know our father had words with you but don't change for him you were perfect before but now your just some doll I cant let you live like that" "alright I promise I'll be my normal self."

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