Big Sister Mikan Tsumiki x Younger Brother Reader (Danganronpa)

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M/N Pov
Playing with my bouncy ball as I waited at the school gate for my sister when I see her run out and around the corner instead of the gate but I notice a group following her making me notice it was her bullies she told that had stopped harassing her. walking in front of them letting her get away they all stared down at me as I boredly looked up at them all "what do you want pipsqueak" "you know I'm real tired of you picking on my older sister" "your that pathetic girls brother that just makes you even more pathetic" "oh please, your the pathetic ones picking on others just because your bored or your mummy doesn't love you" "what you say!" "You deaf as well as stupid"

I say tilting my head amused before he grabs me by the school collar punching me in the face sending my head flying back as him and his friends laugh. I laugh snapping my head back with an insane grin "that all you got your pretty weak" he goes to again when something flies over hitting him in the neck I look seeing a syringe making me turn from the ground I sat seeing my sister outraged as she runs over attacking the others before rushing over to me.

Grabbing my cheeks harshly as she panics I sigh holding her arms making her freeze as I smile brightly at her ignoring the pain in my cheek "I'm fine let's go home now but sister" I say as my grip tightens on her arms making her squeak "you will tell me the truth next time won't you" "yes! Of course M/N I promise no more lying to you as long as you don't fight" "that all depends on you dear sister"

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