Big Brother Legolas x Sick Little Sister Reader (The Hobbit)

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Legolas Pov

Wondering through all the hallways of the palace in a hurry trying to find Y/N as she was needed in the library to study, however after 30 minutes her tutor came in asking where she was but I couldn't find her anywhere no matter where I looked and it made me forget I lived with a very protective father who called my name stopping me "why are you running around the palace?" "um no reason" "now the truth you know I hate lies." "I kind of lost Y/N"

I watch as his eye twitches which wasn't a good sign at all "well you better find her Legolas. Alive. Because if she isn't I will banish you for losing her when I put you in charge of looking after her" "I know I'm sorry father" "just find her" I nodded running off hoping to find her in the town as she liked visiting there. Asking around until I found her friend who gave her location away. Thanking her I run off the familiar path as I try look around for her only to see her body hunched over as she coughs violently.

Running over I rub her back gently soothing her the best I could as she finally stops I grab the cup she had walking to the river she was sat by filling her cup letting her sip it slowly. Resting on the tree holding her close as her face rests on my chest her breathing heavily as she grips weakly to my shirt "I need to get you back Y/N" "please Legolas a bit longer I like it out here" "I know you do but it's not good for your health"

We stay silent for a while until she speaks up her eyes now open weakly as she looked at the river memorised by it like usual "do you think I'll meet mother?" "you will eventually but not now, your strong come on lets go home" she shakes her head "please 5 more minutes" I sigh nodding as I get comfy and soon find myself falling asleep pretty sure hearing Y/N saying she loved me and how she would miss me but I didn't catch it all as I said back with a yawn falling asleep.

Waking up I look at the sun setting sky making me sit up gently as I see Y/N still asleep moving her off me as I lay her down noticing then she wasn't breathing. Shaking her but she doesn't wake up making me shake her more yelling her name but it was clear she was gone that sickness had finally killed her. Rocking her dead body as I kissed her forehead over and over apologizing to her as I shouldn't of fell asleep.

Picking her up I carry her bridal style through the dark town and into the thrown room laying her down ignoring the my father who had been taunting the dwarfs. "Legolas why are you placing her on the ground? if she's sleeping put her in bed" "I cant" he looks confused until he looks at my tear stained face before rushing over ignoring the nosy dwarfs as he falls to the ground next to her moving her hair out her face as he soon screams holding her close to him making me look away as more tears dipped down my face not able to handle my fathers anguish he lost his wife soon after Y/N and now he had lost her.

After giving her the perfect burial at the river where her last moments were. My father went there a lot and only went into the palace for meetings or sleep he didn't want to leave her alone saying she'll be lonely I watch nearby as he hums sadly sorting the flowers around her grave before dropping a flower on the ground right by her crown. Watching as he grips it as his shoulders shake in anger. I walk over sitting next to him taking the crown out his hands not wanting him to break it "Father please, you cant keep doing this" "she's gone Legolas how am I meant to carry on" "you still have me" he scoffs stroking the flowers gently with a little smile "you no longer need me anymore she's all I had left" I sat there watching as the man I looked up to had been broken and was now unfixable.

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