Older Sister Bloom x Younger Brother Reader x Big Sister Daphne (Winx Club)

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Bloom Pov

Watching over M/N who was learning to fly but I was concerned he was much later than the other kids he was 2 years behind them all and when I brought it up to Daphne she didn't seem that bothered saying he'll learn in his own time which was true but even now as I watched him now I saw the strain it was putting on his body it was like his wings wouldn't accept him, Standing up I walk over to them "I think that's enough he's exhausted "I'm fine I can keep goi-" "no you can't, I can see your body giving up" "well alright" "but" "it's okay M/N we'll do some more tomorrow he nods leaving as I turn to Daphne.

Speaking her name making her look at me "I don't think he's going to be able to fly" "why? just because he's behind" "his body is to weak it's not got energy to go the wings to lift him for long" "we cant tell him that!" "we have to! what if he does something reckless" she nods with a sigh heading to her room as I do the same. It wasn't until the next day when I heard a commotion outside my room making me peak outside seeing Daphne running at me tears down her face "I cant find him!" "what? who?" "M/N he's nowhere in the house or garden"

Joining the search party we look all over until I find him near the cliff screaming his name making him turn to look up at me "what are you doing?" "I can do it! I'll how you I can fly!"i say going off the cliff making us both scream rushing down to grab him but with the fog I lost sight of him until I see him in front of me actually flying " your really doing it?" as he smiles grabbing my hands "I told you I can" "I'm sorry I didn't believe in you, I'm so proud of you"

Various Family Relation x Relation Reader Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now