Big Brother Heila x Younger Sister Reader

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Y/N Pov
Going in circles around the place always ending up at the red fountain wondering where my brother was as he invited me here over 30 minutes ago and he still hasn't showed up making me wonder if he forgort. Letting out a sigh I sit on the fountain wall, placing my hand in the water watching the water hit my hand only to jump hearing a voice belfoing to Riven someone my brother described to me and he matched it perfectly. But the way he was flaring at me made me a little scared did I do something wrong.

Rudely asking why I was here I tell him I was invited making him scoff "why would anyone invite a little fairy like you, you look weak so your lying to me so what are you really doing here?" "B-But I really was" "stop lying just leave already your not welcome here!" Jumping fully up scared I nod and start leaving when I hear my brothers voice saying his name. But as soon as I hear his voice I run past him to my brother crying into chest that I noticed the uniform which meant he just finished practice.

Stroking my head as he calmed me down before turning to Riven "is that anyway to speak to my sister or anyone for the matter" "sister? You didn't tell me you had a sister" "well now you do this is Y/N my you get sister who I did invite over" "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so rude I just thought they were an intruder" "ask next time before upsetting someone again" going to leave I feel someone tuf my hand making me look at Riven in surprise as he bows "I'm sorry for being mean I hope you can forgive me" "it's okay you didn't know" he gives a small smile before leaving as I move away from my brother "let's go before we don't have time together"

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