12-the inevitable

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It was the next morning of the Jeju trip, their way back home not so peaceful.

After heading back to the shore, the harbour patrols had been swarming around the yacht, asking for their reason about why an expensive ship as such had been crashed into the sand. But thanks to Seungjae's connections in the PD, they were let out with just a small fine.

After having pay'ed them off, they were kind enough to help them drag the ship back into the deeper waters.

Soon enough, the group was back at the other side of the ocean, everyone now inside their cars.

After dropping Seojun off, Jimin and Jungkook were now left alone in the car, their conversation almost non-existent. Jungkook wondered if the awkwardness had been caused by his mentioning of the kiss last night, or the incident which had happened this morning while boarding the yacht.

Jimin had slipped on some rocks and if it weren't for Jungkook grabbing him with a hug, he would've hit his head into whatever came his way.

Yet his reaction to that had been odd, resulting in him avoiding him for the whole drive back. 

But not talking things out felt difficult to manage also, making him more anxious than how he'd feel while fighting.

So he blurted the words out of his chest without thinking of the rest and hoped that it would all be good. "How is your knee?"

Jimin didn't look while parting his lips, yet the pause that followed after made it seem like he had forced the answer out. "It's fine."

Jungkook reluctantly spoke once more. "...you could go get it checked at the hospital-"

"I said it's fine, don't force it."

"Oh so it's a crime to care for you too now."

"Are you kidding me? That is not what I said! Why do you have to make everything into a fight?"

"You're the one who can't answer me with a normal tone! All I did was ask a question-"

"Yeah- now put all the fault on me!"

Jungkook sighed. It was obvious they would fight, why did he even have the audacity to hope that it would all be good? It had always been a faraway dream.

"Can't you act normal for once? All I'm trying to do is help you-"

Jimin scoffed. "Are you serious? All you ever do is try and mock me and then butter the top of it as if it would get any better!"

Jungkook's gaze shot at him as he stopped at the red lights, feeling suffocated almost. "I thought we went through this last night- what else is there to say?"

"You're so fucking dense sometimes you know that?"

Jungkook held his head while Jimin clenched his fists. "Then tell me what it is! I can't fucking read your mind!"

"Oh so that's it! Is that why did that stupid joke back at the hotel? Did you seriously think that I would laugh it off?"

Jungkook pulled himself back, his shoulders dropping. "What- about the kiss? I didn't mean anything by that-"

"Like you always don't! You're the reason why I'm in this mess to begin with! You think I wanna hear about some childish act you pulled on me?"

To Jimin, his carelessness was outstanding. But for Jungkook, his own actions were justified because he had feelings for him. But the latter didn't know that, missing only the most crucial part of this argument.

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