Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Dude, there's no records of any of this here. No one got shot here." Dean told his brother and Ivanna, steps agitated as he walked in front of them, turning back to speak.
"Obviously, no one got run over by a freaking train."

"Stay close." Sam spoke back to Dean as he was in front of him, Ivanna behind him, taking up the back of the group.

"Did the echoes take Corbett?" Maggie asked the hunters.

"Yes. No. I don't know." Dean answered, frustration leaking from his voice. "We don't know what's doing what here. That's what we're trying to figure out, okay?"

"All right, stay close." Sam told Maggie who was following behind Dean, in front of Ivanna, holding a camera to them.

"Dude, I'm gonna hit you." Ivanna warned Sam as she pushed Maggie forward. He gave her an apologetic look before turning towards Maggie and the camera,

"Okay, look, death echoes are ghosts, okay? Now, ghosts...they usually haunt places where they lived or where they died." Sam explained.

"Expect these mooks didn't live or die here." Ivanna blurted out as she pushed Maggie forward again.

"Right." Sam agreed.

"So, what are they doing here?" Maggie asked, turning briefly to shoot Ivanna an exasperated look. A look Ivanna returned with a glare.

"Hey, give the lady a cigar." Dean started sarcastically, turning to give Maggie a smirk. "All right, seriously, does look at this nightmare through a camera make you feel better or something? I mean..."

"Uh...I, uh...Well, yeah. Uh, yeah. I think so." Maggie replied.

"Oh." Dean attempted to shake his head in understanding, failing as he rose his brows and slowly turned back around. The group spread out as they entered a new room. The hunters took use to look through things, cabinets, drawers, papers, while the Ghostfacers held cameras and recorded them.

"Look, could you please get that out of my face? Ivanna would much rather be she's hotter, too." Dean had told Maggie, her camera practically shoved in his face as he tried to search. Maggie quickly nodded and walked over to Ivanna to shove the camera in her face.

"I swear to god, I will hit you with that camera." Ivanna drew in a deep breath before releasing, forcing her body to relax and develop a nicer tone, "Please don't record me." Maggie gave her a shy smile before backing off, still recording her but from a greater distance. Ivanna turned to glare heavily at Dean, the man shrugging innocently at her.

"Freeman Daggett, house's last owner," Sam called out, holding up a framed certificate, the glass broken and falling as he picked it up. "Officially commended for twenty years of fine service at the gamble general hospital."

"He's a doctor?" Dean asked, staying rooted in his spot and turning his flashlight over to Sam to gain his attention. Sam glared at the light while Ivanna continued inspecting the room.

"Janitor." Sam told him.

"This looks like his den." Dean finally moved the flashlight as he surveyed the room. "When'd you say he died...'64?"

"Yeah, heart attack." Sam continued.

"Guys." Ivanna called out softly. Maggie walked back over to stand behind her shoulder,

"What are these, C-Rations?" Maggie asked. Ivanna nodded in confirmation as the held her flashlight over the stacked boxes against the wall. The two boys quickly whipped their heads over to see what the women were talking about.

"Yeah, army-issued, three a lifetime supply." Ivanna hummed as Dean walked to stand beside her.

"Weird." Dean muttered to her.

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