Chapter Seven

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Ivanna found herself in the back seat of the sleek Impala. She was threatened by Dean not to put her dirty shoes on the seats before she could even get in. A scoff was the only thing she responded to him with.

The Impala rolled into a parking spot and as Dean turned the engine off, Ivanna took note of the surrounding crowd's outfits. For it to be the beginning of fall, there sure were a lot of short sleeves to no sleeves at all among the crowd. It seemed both the boys were thinking the same exact thing.

When Dean stepped out of the car, Ivanna gave him the duffle bag she grabbed from the backseat. He then proceeded to toss it over the front of the car to Sam.

"I thought you said this was some boarded-up factory town." Dean spoke to Sam when they met each other on the pavement in front of the car. Ivanna found herself nodding behind the boys, which they didn't see.

"It is!" Sam replied defensively. As he looked around though, he continued, "At least, it's supposed to be." He mumbled out. Ivanna shoved her way forward to stand in between both boys so she could see better.

"Well what are we waiting for, let's do some research." Dean's excited voice entered the air. His tone being too excited, and his eyes gazing up and down too many woman caused Ivanna to throw her arm out and hit the back of her hand into his stomach. This caused Dean to hunch over slightly and grunt in surprise.

"Watch it." She warned, voice low. Ivanna, being the first one to walk, lead the group down the road as they searched for the bar. She heard their heavy footsteps follow close behind. When she heard one of the pairs quit though, she stopped and glanced back to see Dean parked in front of an open car door, smirk present on his face.

She cursed under her breath and quickly rushed over to him. She grabbed his coat's arm and dragged him alongside her to continue their path. Sam who had seen the whole thing go down with a bright smile on his face, waved lightly to the women sat in the vehicle and ran to catch up with them.

When Ivanna saw a sign that read "Trotters", she heaved a sigh and crossed the street making sure both boys were still in tow.

The bar was an overcrowded nightmare for Ivanna. Never one for crowds, she found her heart racing as she pushed through the crowd searching for the man that Sam said ran the city. She looked around and spotted people dancing in different areas of the bar. She saw others taking shots and drinking different types of alcohol. She also saw Dean's face when she looked back and glowered at his look of intrigue. Him seeing it, smiled shyly at her. His eyes then glanced behind her and lit up with recognition.

"Oh Richie, look at you!" He calls out. Ivanna looks over at the man and releases an eye roll.

"Bringing satin back?" Dean continues giving him an appraising look. It seemed he decided a new outfit was necessary as he was now wearing an orange and yellow tropical designed shirt. Ivanna found she still did not like his style.

"Oh, you like this? Try Thai silk..." Richie shrugged his shoulders back confidently. "Canal street. You have to pay $300 for threads like these, easy. Cost to me... forget about it"

Sam huffed a chuckle as he asked, "How much is "forget about it"?"

"Ah, forget about it." Richie shrugged. Ivanna felt the urge to roll her eyes again. A headache was beginning to brew behind her eyes from all the sounds in the bar and the sights of the man stood before her. She watched as Richie grew as serious as he could, which wasn't a lot, and said, "That's Trotter over there. He sits there all night. Can't touch him."

"So what do we do now?" Asked Sam. They all glance in the direction Richie pointed towards. A middle-aged man with balding hair stood in a sleek, all black suit. Ivanna watched as he conversed with a man with an easy, confident smile on his face.

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