Chapter Seventeen

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"So what's the diagnosis?" Sam was the first to ask. Dean and Sam stood by one another at Bobby's side as he laid in the hospital bed. Ivanna on the other hand was pacing the room, worrying her lip with her teeth.

"We've tested everything we can think to test." The doctor told them as he stood at the door of Bobby's bed. He held his clipboard in his hand and every now and again, he would look behind him to send a worrying glance at the woman pacing. "He seems perfectly healthy."

"Except that he's comatose." Dean argued, voice soft and arms crossed.

"I'm gonna go get some coffee." Ivanna blurted out as she marched her way to the door. Her heart was racing too fast and her body was too jittery for her to stay in the room. As her hand hit the handle of the door, she asked, "Does anyone want anything?"

"Ivy, you don't have to leave." Dean called towards her, his voice gentle and soft like an early ocean breeze. He started to walk towards her to stop her when she opened the door and pulled herself out of his reach.

"No, no, I really do." She pleaded, her eyes baring into Dean's, wide with desperation. He sighed heavily and nodded. He then retreated back to his original spot and replied,

"Just coffee is fine." Ivanna gave him a tight lipped smile and glanced over at Sam. He nodded small and quick, allowing her to finally exit the stifling room.

She walked and walked, going down hallways and returning to try a new one. She knew exactly how to get to the cafeteria to find the coffee, but she was avoiding going back to the room. Eventually, her heart calmed down and her hands stopped shaking enough for her to grab coffee for everyone. As she was filling up the third and final cup, another figure walked into the Cafeteria to stand right next to her.

"Ivy." Dean's voice hummed out as he grabbed a cup and added sugar to it. Ivanna ignored him as best as she could, her chest tightening in a strange way. She knew he was gonna ask her how she was doing, and that was something she couldn't face right now.

"How's Bobby?" She asked instead. Her hands were fidgety once more as she fought with the lid to seal on the cup.

"Bobby is fine for right now. This isn't something the doctors can explain so we're gonna check into a motel and figure it out our way." He placed his hand over her, which was still over the lid, and removed it. He closed the lid for her with ease and held it out to her. "Come on."

So she grabbed the lid and followed behind.


"So, what was Bobby doing in Pittsburgh?" Sam asked as the door unlocked with a click. He opened it for everyone, and they followed suit into the room.

"I don't know. Unless he was taking an extremely lame vacation." Dean answered as he closed the door for the group. Ivanna pulled off her jacket and sat it across a chair, then slumping down in said chair.

"I mean, he must've been working a job, right?" Sam asked again.

"He had to of been." Ivanna muttered out as she sipped her coffee, her light pink lip gloss staining the lid.

"Well, you'd think there'd be some sort of sign or something, you know?" Dean drawled as he and Sam walked around the room. The hunters had been able to get the same room Bobby was in, so the boys started investigating. "Research, news clippings..." he sighed heavily as he stood and looked around the room. "A friggin pizza box or a beer can."

Ivanna sighed as she stood from her spot, leaving her coffee at the table. She walked over to the closet and pulled it open with bated breath. At first, all she could see was Bobby's clothes handing on hangers, as she looked deeper, she sighed, "How about this?" The boys came rushing over as she swiped Bobby's clothes to the side, revealing an investigation board taped to the wall.

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